Report Results For: Holdings Status equals "Active"10031 Result(s) Found.
Line # | Title | Author's Name | ISBN |
1 | "B" is for Betsy | Haywood, Carolyn, | 0152049754 0156116952 (pbk.) : |
2 | "B" is for Betsy | Haywood, Carolyn, | 015205099X |
3 | "Buzz," said the bee | Lewison, Wendy Cheyette. | 059044185X |
4 | "Charlie needs a cloak" | De Paola, Tomie. | 9780671664664 (trade) 0671664662 (trade) 9780671664671 (pbk.) 0671664670 (pbk.) |
5 | "Charlie needs a cloak" | De Paola, Tomie. | 9780671664664 (trade) 0671664662 (trade) 9780671664671 (pbk.) 0671664670 (pbk.) |
6 | The "gosh awful!" gold rush mystery | Marsh, Carole. | 0635063905 : |
7 | "I'm not scared!" | Allen, Jonathan, | 9780786837229 (trade) 0786837225 (trade) |
8 | "Let's get a pup!" said Kate | Graham, Bob, | 9780763614522 (trade) 0763614521 (trade) 9780763621933 (pbk.) 0763621935 (pbk.) |
9 | "Let's get a pup!" said Kate | Graham, Bob, | 9780763614522 (trade) 0763614521 (trade) 9780763621933 (pbk.) 0763621935 (pbk.) |
10 | "Nothing is impossible," said Nellie Bly | Carlson, Judy. | 0817235213 : |
11 | "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the sloth | Carle, Eric. | 9780399239540 (trade) 0399239545 (trade) |
12 | "Slowly, slowly, slowly," said the sloth | Carle, Eric. | 9780399239540 (trade) 0399239545 (trade) |
13 | "Uh-oh!" said the crow | Oppenheim, Joanne. | 0836817532 |
14 | 'Twas the night before Thanksgiving | Pilkey, Dav. | 0439669375 : |
15 | --And now Miguel | Krumgold, Joseph, | 006440143X |
16 | -ack as in snack | Scheunemann, Pam, | 9781591972617 |
17 | -ad as in dad | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1591972264 |
18 | -ag as in flag | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1591972256 |
19 | -ain as in train | Molter, Carey, | 1591972728 |
20 | -ake as in cake | Molter, Carey, | 1591972701 |
21 | -am as in ham | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 159197223X |
22 | -An as in fan | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1591972221 |
23 | -ap as in cap | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1591972248 |
24 | -ash as in trash | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591972604 |
25 | -ate as in skate | Molter, Carey, | 159197271X |
26 | -aw as in paw | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591972639 |
27 | -ay as in clay | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1591972647 |
28 | -eam as in ice cream | Molter, Carey, | 1591972736 |
29 | -ed as in bed | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591972280 |
30 | -ell as in well | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1591972310 |
31 | -en as in pen | Molter, Carey, | 1591972299 |
32 | -ent as in cent | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591972337 |
33 | -est as in nest | Tuminelly, Nancy, | 1591972329 |
34 | -et as in jet | Doudna, Kelly, | 1591972302 |
35 | -ick as in kick | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591972582 |
36 | -id as in squid | Doudna, Kelly, | 1591972353 |
37 | -ide as in tide | Molter, Carey, | 1591972752 |
38 | -ig as in pig | Doudna, Kelly, | 1591972361 |
39 | -ill as in grill | Doudna, Kelly, | 159197237X |
40 | -in as in twin | Doudna, Kelly, | 1591972388 |
41 | -ing as in king | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591972566 |
42 | -ink as in drink | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591972574 |
43 | -ip as in ship | Doudna, Kelly, | 1591972396 |
44 | -it as in sit | Doudna, Kelly, | 159197240X |
45 | -ob as in knob | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591972493 |
46 | -ock as in block | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591972507 |
47 | -og as in dog | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591972515 |
48 | -oon as in spoon | Molter, Carey, | 1591972663 |
49 | -op as in top | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591972523 |
50 | -ore as in core | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591972671 |
51 | -ot as in knot | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591972531 |
52 | -ow as in cow | Rondeau, Amanda, | 159197254X |
53 | -ow as in crow | Doudna, Kelly, | 1591972655 |
54 | -ub as in tub | Tuminelly, Nancy, | 1591972426 |
55 | -uck as in duck | Tuminelly, Nancy, | 1591972477 |
56 | -uff as in cuff | Tuminelly, Nancy, | 1591972469 |
57 | -ug as in bug | Tuminelly, Nancy, | 1591972434 |
58 | -um as in drum | Tuminelly, Nancy, | 1591972442 |
59 | -ump as in jump | Tuminelly, Nancy, | 1591972450 |
60 | -unk as in skunk | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591972590 |
61 | ...If you sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 | McGovern, Ann. | 0590451618 (pbk.) : |
62 | ..If you traveled West in a covered wagon | Levine, Ellen. | 0590451588 |
63 | 1-2-3 Draw Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Animals | Levin, Freddie | |
64 | 1-2-3 Draw Knights, Castles, and Dragons | Levin, Freddie | |
65 | 2 x 2 = boo! : a set of spooky multiplication stories | Leedy, Loreen. | 0823411907 |
66 | 8 class pets + 1 squirrel [divided by] 1 dog = chaos | Vande Velde, Vivian. | 0823425940 |
67 | 14 cows for America | Deedy, Carmen Agra. | 1561454907 |
68 | The 14 forest mice and the harvest moon watch | Iwamura, Kazuo, | 083680497X |
69 | 19th century clothing | Kalman, Bobbie. | 0865054932 |
70 | 20,000 baseball cards under the sea | Buller, Jon, | 0679915699 (lib. bdg.) : 0679815694 (pbk.) : |
71 | 20,000 leagues under the sea | Church, Lisa R., | 1402725337 : |
72 | 43 Old Cemetery Road : Dying to Meet You | Klise, Kate | |
73 | 43 Old Cemetery Road : Over My Dead Body | Klise, Kate | |
74 | 50 Below Zero | Munsch | |
75 | 100 Days of Cool | Murphy, Stuart J. | |
76 | 100 days of cool | Murphy, Stuart J., | 9780060001230 |
77 | 100 days of school | Harris, Trudy. | 9780761314318 |
78 | 100 school days | Rockwell, Anne F. | 9780060291440 (trade) 0060291443 (trade) 9780060291457 (lib. ed.) 0060291451 (lib. ed.) 9780064437271 (pbk.) 0064437272 (pbk.) |
79 | 100 snowflakes : a winter counting book | Rustad, Martha E. H. | 9781607539186 |
80 | 100 snowmen | Dussling, Jennifer. | 9781477847039 |
81 | 100 ways to celebrate 100 days | Goldstone, Bruce. | 9781250033697 |
82 | The 100-year-old secret | Barrett, Tracy, | 0805083405 (hardcover) : 9780805083408 (hardcover) : |
83 | 175 easy-to-do Christmas crafts | 1563973731 | |
84 | The 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins | Seuss, | 039484484X |
85 | 1000 Facts About Space | Beasant, Pam | 0590486810 |
86 | The 2001 World Trade Center attack | Greene, Jacqueline Dembar. | 9781597163651 (library binding) : |
87 | 41743 | Miles, Ellen. | 9780545462396 (pbk.) 0545462398 (pbk.) |
88 | An A from Miss Keller | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780399166914 |
89 | A. Nonny Mouse writes again! : poems | 0679837159 (trade) : 0679937153 (lib. bdg.) : |
90 | Aa | Doudna, Kelly, | 1577653947 |
91 | Aa | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1577654137 |
92 | Aaron's hair | Munsch, Robert N., | 9780439192583 (trade) 0439192587 (trade) 9780439388481 (pbk.) 0439388481 (pbk.) |
93 | Aaron's hair | Munsch, Robert N., | 9780439192583 (trade) 0439192587 (trade) 9780439388481 (pbk.) 0439388481 (pbk.) |
94 | Abadeha : the Philippine Cinderella | De La Paz, Myrna J. | 1885008171 |
95 | Abby Cadabra, super speller | Holub, Joan. | 0448422816 0448421682 (pbk.) |
96 | ABC Danny | Coulton, Mia. | 1625441096 |
97 | Abe Lincoln At Last! | Osborne, Mary Pope | 9781299166578 |
98 | Abe Lincoln At Last! | Osborne, Mary Pope | 9781299166578 |
99 | Abe Lincoln crosses a creek : a tall, thin tale (introducing his forgotten frontier friend) | Hopkinson, Deborah. | 9780375937682 (reinforced) 9780375837685 (hardcover) : |
100 | Abe Lincoln goes to Washington, 1837-1865 | Harness, Cheryl. | 0792237366 : |
101 | Abe Lincoln's hat | Brenner, Martha. | 0679949771 (lib. bdg.) 0679849777 (pbk.) : |
102 | Abe Lincoln's hat | Brenner, Martha. | 0679949771 (lib. bdg.) 0679849777 (pbk.) : |
103 | Abe Lincoln's hat | Brenner, Martha. | 0679949771 (lib. bdg.) 0679849777 (pbk.) : |
104 | Abigail Adams | Sutcliffe, Jane. | 9780822559429 0822559420 |
105 | Abigail Spells | Alter, Anna | |
106 | The abominable snowman : a story from Nepal | Parnell, Fran. | 1846865581 |
107 | The Abominable Snowman doesn't roast marshmallows | Dadey, Debbie. | 0439650372 : |
108 | The aboriginal peoples of Australia | Bartlett, Anne. | 0822548542 |
109 | About Amphibians : A Guide for Children | Sill, Cathryn | |
110 | About arachnids : a guide for children | Sill, Cathryn P., | 9781561450381 (trade) 1561450383 (trade) |
111 | About Fish: a guide for children | Sill, Cathryn P., | 9781561452071 (trade) 1561452076 (trade) |
112 | About Fish: a guide for children | Sill, Cathryn P., | 9781561452071 (trade) 1561452076 (trade) |
113 | About mammals : a guide for children | Sill, Cathryn P., | 156145141X |
114 | About mammals : a guide for children | Sill, Cathryn P., | 9781561451418 (trade) 156145141X (trade) |
115 | About Marsupials : A Guide for Children | Sill, Cathryn | |
116 | About Marsupials : A Guide for Children | Sill, Cathryn | |
117 | About Mollusks | Sill, Cathryn | 9781561453726 (trade) 1561453722 (trade) |
118 | About Mollusks | Sill, Cathryn | 9781561453726 (trade) 1561453722 (trade) |
119 | About Mollusks | Sill, Cathryn | 9781561453726 (trade) 1561453722 (trade) |
120 | About Reptiles : A Guide for Children | Sill, Cathryn P., | |
121 | Abracadabra | Jones, Amy, | 093384946X (lib. bdg. : acid-free paper) : |
122 | Abraham Lincoln | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0375870245 |
123 | Abraham Lincoln | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0375870245 |
124 | Abraham Lincoln | Usel, T. M. | 1560653418 |
125 | Abraham Lincoln : lawyer, leader, legend | Fontes, Justine. | 0789473763 0789473755 (pbk.) : |
126 | Abraham's search for God | Jules, Jacqueline, | 158013243X |
127 | Abrams tanks | Hamilton, John, | 1617830739 |
128 | The absent author | Roy, Ron. | 0679981683 (lib.) 0679881689 (pbk.) |
129 | The absent author | Roy, Ron. | 0679981683 (lib.) 0679881689 (pbk.) |
130 | Absolutely Truly | Frederick, Heather Vogel. | 9781442429734 |
131 | Abuela | Dorros, Arthur. | 0525447504 (lib. bdg.) : |
132 | Abuela | Dorros, Arthur. | 0525447504 (lib. bdg.) : |
133 | Abuela's weave | Castaneda, Omar S. | 1880000008 |
134 | Abyssinian cats | Kallen, Stuart A., | 1562394460 |
135 | Acorn to oak tree | Neuenfeldt, Elizabeth. | 9781644874219 |
136 | Across five Aprils | Hunt, Irene. | 0425182789 |
137 | Across the stream | Ginsburg, Mirra. | 0688012043 : 068801206X (lib. bdg.) : |
138 | Across the wide and lonesome praire : the Oregon Trail diary of Hattie Campbell | Gregory, Kristiana. | 0590226517 (alk. paper) |
139 | Actual size | Jenkins, Steve, | 0618375945 (hardcover) : |
140 | Ada Lovelace | Boone, Mary, | 9781543527728 |
141 | Ada Twist, scientist | Beaty, Andrea. | 9781419721373 1419721372 |
142 | Adam Canfield, watch your back! | Winerip, Michael, | 0763623415 (reinforced) : 9780763623418 (reinforced) : |
143 | Adaptation | Waldron, Melanie. | 1432986082 |
144 | Adders | Frazel, Ellen. | 9781600146121 |
145 | Addie across the prairie | Lawlor, Laurie. | 0671701479 |
146 | Addie meets Max | Robins, Joan. | 0064441164 |
147 | Addie's bad day | Robins, Joan. | 0060212985 |
148 | Addie's bad day | Robins, Joan. | 0060212985 |
149 | Addie's forever friend | Lawlor, Laurie. | 0807501646 |
150 | Adding and subtracting at the lake | Rauen, Amy. | 0836889886 |
151 | Addition Annie | Gisler, David. | 0516273787 |
152 | Addy learns a lesson : a school story | Porter, Connie Rose, | 1562470787 (hardcover) : 1562470779 (pbk.) : |
153 | Addy learns a lesson : a school story | Porter, Connie Rose, | 1562470787 (hardcover) : 1562470779 (pbk.) : |
154 | Addy saves the day : a summer story | Porter, Connie Rose, | 1562470841 : 1562470833 (pbk.) : |
155 | Addy saves the day : a summer story | Porter, Connie Rose, | 1562470841 : 1562470833 (pbk.) : |
156 | Addy's craft book : a look at crafts from the past with projects you can make today | Evert, Jodi. | 1562471120 (pbk.) |
157 | Addy's surprise : A Christmas story | Porter, Connie Rose, | 1562470809 (hardcover) : 1562470795 (pbk.) : |
158 | Addy's surprise : A Christmas story | Porter, Connie Rose, | 1562470809 (hardcover) : 1562470795 (pbk.) : |
159 | Adelita : a Mexican Cinderella story | DePaola, Tomie, | 0399238662 9780399238666 |
160 | Adopted by the eagles : a Plains Indian story of friendship and treachery | Goble, Paul. | 0027365751 (recycled paper) : |
161 | The adventure begins | Hamilton, Richard. | 9781534412927 |
162 | The adventure in the Amazon : Brazil | Hunt, Elizabeth Singer. | 9781602863613 |
163 | Adventure in the country | Hope, Laura Lee. | 0448090724 |
164 | Adventure on the Wilderness Road, 1775 | Lawlor, Laurie. | 0671775685 |
165 | Adventure to the eight wonders of the world | Marsh, Carole. | 0635063352 |
166 | Adventure to the pioneer prairie! | Marsh, Carole. | 0635063379 |
167 | The adventurers guild | Clark, Zack Loran. | 9781368000352 |
168 | Adventures in Flatfrost | Quinn, Jordan. | 9781481413886 |
169 | The adventures of Beekle : the unimaginary friend | Santat, Dan. | 9780316199988 |
170 | The adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Ho, Oliver. | 1402724993 : |
171 | The adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Twain, Mark, | 1577656768 (lib. bdg.) : |
172 | The adventures of Isabel | Nash, Ogden, | 0316598747 (lib. bdg.) : |
173 | The adventures of Laura & Jack | Peterson, Melissa. | 0060271302 |
174 | The adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great | Morris, Gerald, | 9780618777143 (reinforced) : |
175 | The adventures of Snail at school | Stadler, John. | 0060210419 : 0060210427 (lib. bdg.) |
176 | The adventures of Sugar and Junior | Medearis, Angela Shelf, | 0823411826 |
177 | The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids : Mrs. Jeepers in Outer Space | Dadey & Jones | 0439043964 |
178 | The adventures of Tom Sawyer | Twain, Mark, | 1402714602 : |
179 | The adventures of Tom Sawyer : retold from the Mark Twain original | Woodside, Martin. | 1402712162 : |
180 | The adventures of Tom Sawyer : retold from the Mark Twain original | Woodside, Martin. | 1402712162 : |
181 | Aerials and envy | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496559142 |
182 | Aesop's fables | 0812059581 | |
183 | Aesop's fables | 0812059581 | |
184 | Africa | Graf, Mike. | 0736814140 |
185 | Africa | Oachs, Emily Rose. | 9781626173231 |
186 | Africa south of the Sahara | Rich, Susan, | 073980118X |
187 | African elephant : the world's biggest land mammal | Hall, Kirsten. | 9781597163873 (library binding) : |
188 | African elephants | Knudsen, Shannon, | 9780822534839 (lib. ed.) 0822534835 (lib. ed.) |
189 | After the fall : how Humpty Dumpty got back up again | Santat, Dan. | 9781626726826 |
190 | After the storm | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439130220 |
191 | Afternoon on the Amazon | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679863729 |
192 | Afternoon on the Amazon | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679863729 |
193 | Afternoon on the Amazon | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679863729 |
194 | Age of the amulet | Hamilton, Richard. | 9781534416598 |
195 | Aggie and Ben : three stories | Ries, Lori. | 1607340003 |
196 | Ah ha! | Mack, Jeff. | 9781452112657 |
197 | Ai | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1577654536 |
198 | Aikido | Randall, Pamela. | 9780823952342 |
199 | Air is all around you | Branley, Franklyn Mansfield, | 0060594152 (pbk.) : |
200 | Airedale terriers | Murray, Julie, | 1577659198 : |
201 | Airplanes | Roberts, Cynthia, | 9781592968251 (lib. ed.) 1592968252 (lib. ed.) |
202 | Airplanes | Roberts, Cynthia, | 9781592968251 (lib. ed.) 1592968252 (lib. ed.) |
203 | Airplanes | Saunders-Smith, Gail. | 1560654988 |
204 | Airplanes | Zobel, Derek, | 9781644873182 |
205 | Airports | Jay, Michael. | 0531043703 (U.S.) |
206 | Aladdin and the wonderful lamp, | Lang | |
207 | Alaskan brown bears | Kallen, Stuart A., | 1562395955 |
208 | Albert Einstein : brilliant scientist | Tourville, Amanda Doering, | 1616419377 9781616419370 |
209 | Albert Einstein : brilliant scientist | Tourville, Amanda Doering, | 9781614805755 |
210 | Albert Einstein : young thinker | Hammontree, Marie. | 0020418604 |
211 | Albert the Fix-it Man | Lord, Janet. | 9781561454334 (lib. ed.) 1561454338 (lib. ed.) |
212 | Albert the Fix-it Man | Lord, Janet. | 9781561454334 (lib. ed.) 1561454338 (lib. ed.) |
213 | Albert's Thanksgiving | Tryon, Leslie | |
214 | The Albertosaurus mystery : Philip Currie's hunt in the Badlands | Padma, T. V. | 9781597162548 (lib. bdg.) : |
215 | Albino animals | Halls, Kelly Milner, | 1581960123 (hc) : 1581960166 (pbk.) |
216 | Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day | Viorst, Judith. | 9780689711732 (pbk.) 0689711735 (pbk.) |
217 | Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. | Viorst, Judith. | |
218 | Alexander and the wind-up mouse. | Lionni, Leo, | |
219 | Alexander Graham Bell | Joseph, Paul, | 1562396323 |
220 | Alexander Graham Bell | Mara, Wil. | 9780516273402 : (pbk.) : |
221 | Alexander Graham Bell : a life of helpfulness | Rivera, Sheila, | 9780822564638 (lib. ed.) 0822564637 (lib. ed.) |
222 | Alexander Graham Bell : a life of helpfulness | Rivera, Sheila, | 9780822564638 (lib. ed.) 0822564637 (lib. ed.) |
223 | Alexander Graham Bell : a photo-illustrated biography | Linder, Greg. | 0736802029 |
224 | Alexander the Great rocks the world | Shecter, Vicky. | 158196045X (hardcover) : |
225 | The Algonquin | Rosinsky, Natalie M. (Natalie Myra) | 0756506425 |
226 | Ali Baba and the forty thieves | Manning, Matthew K. | 9781434219886 1434219887 9781434227768 1434227766 |
227 | Alice across America : the story of the first women's cross-country road trip | Marsh, Sarah Glenn. | 9781250297020 |
228 | Alice's adventures in wonderland ; and, Through the looking glass | Carroll, Lewis, | 9780140383515 : |
229 | Aliens don't wear braces | Dadey, Debbie. | 0590470701 |
230 | Aliens on vacation | Smith, Clete Barrett. | 9781423157236 |
231 | All aboard! | Lyons, Kelly Starling. | 9780062951076 |
232 | All about alligators | Arnosky, Jim. | 0590467883 : |
233 | All about bears | Szymanski, Jennifer. | 9781426334849 |
234 | All about Danny | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440138 |
235 | All about deer | Arnosky, Jim. | 0439058740 |
236 | All about drums | Roza, Greg. | 9780823963812 |
237 | All about money | Roberson, Erin. | 9780516244204 (lib. ed.) 0516244205 (lib. ed.) 9780516246727 (pbk.) 0516246720 (pbk.) |
238 | All about money | Roberson, Erin. | 9780516244204 (lib. ed.) 0516244205 (lib. ed.) 9780516246727 (pbk.) 0516246720 (pbk.) |
239 | All about pit bulls | Wittrock, Jeni. | 9781429687263 |
240 | All about sleep from A to ZZZZ | Scott, Elaine, | 9780670061884 (hardcover) : |
241 | All about teeth | Schuh, Mari C., | 9781429612388 (lib. ed.) 142961238X (lib. ed.) 9781429617840 (pbk.) 1429617845 (pbk.) |
242 | All about teeth | Schuh, Mari C., | 9781429612388 (lib. ed.) 142961238X (lib. ed.) 9781429617840 (pbk.) 1429617845 (pbk.) |
243 | All because of a cup of coffee | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9780439559720 |
244 | All by myself | Aliki. | 9780060289294 (trade) 0060289295 (trade) 9780060289300 (lib. ed.) 0060289309 (lib. ed.) 9780064462532 (pbk.) 0064462536 (pbk.) |
245 | All eyes on the pond | Rosen, Michael J., | 0786810785 |
246 | All fall down | Conrad, David. | 0756502241 |
247 | All for the better : a story of El Barrio | Mohr, Nicholasa. | 0811472205 |
248 | All night, all day : a child's first book of | ||
249 | All paws on deck | Young, Jessica | 9780545818872 |
250 | All stuck up | Hayward, Linda. | 0679802169 (pbk.) : 0679902163 (lib. bdg.) |
251 | All the colors of the earth | Hamanaka, Sheila. | 0688111319 (trade) : 0688111327 (library) |
252 | All the places to love | MacLachlan, Patricia. | 0060210982 0060210990 (lib. bdg.) : |
253 | All the places to love | MacLachlan, Patricia. | 0060210982 0060210990 (lib. bdg.) : |
254 | All the water in the world | Lyon, George Ella, | 9781416971306 |
255 | All you need for a snowman | Schertle, Alice. | 9780152007898 (lib. ed.) 015200789X (lib. ed.) |
256 | All you need for a snowman | Schertle, Alice. | 9780152007898 (lib. ed.) 015200789X (lib. ed.) |
257 | All-girl crafts | Ross, Kathy | 0761323910 |
258 | All-of-a-kind family | Taylor, Sidney. | 0440400597 (pbk.) : |
259 | All-Star fever : a Peach Street Mudders story | Christopher, Matt. | 0316141984 |
260 | Allies | Gratz, Alan, | 9781338245721 |
261 | Alligator vs. python | Pallotta, Jerry. | 9780545451925 |
262 | Alligators | Pohl, Kathleen. | 0836882245 |
263 | Allosaurus | Mattern, Joanne, | 0836894189 |
264 | Alma and how she got her name | Martinez-Neal, Juana. | 9780763693558 |
265 | Along came a dog | De Jong, Meindert, | 0064401146 |
266 | Along For The Ride | Dessen, Sarah | |
267 | Along the Santa Fe Trail : Marion Russell's own story | Wadsworth, Ginger. | 0807502952 : |
268 | Alphabet times four : an international ABC | Brown, Ruth. | 0525448314 : |
269 | Alternate energy sources | Watson, Jane Werner, | 0531022528 |
270 | Alvin and the Chipmunks : a Chipmunk Valentine | Mayer, Kirsten. | 0062086545 |
271 | Alvin and the Chipmunks : Alvin gets an A | Mayer, Kirsten. | 0062086030 |
272 | Alvin and the Chipmunks, chipwrecked : too cool for rules | Bright, J. E. | 0062086022 |
273 | Alvin Ho : allergic to camping, hiking, and other natural disasters | Look, Lenore. | 0375857508 |
274 | Alvin Ho : allergic to girls, school, and other scary things | Look, Lenore. | 0375849300 |
275 | Alvin's famous no-horse | Harding, William Harry. | 0805022279 (alk. paper) : |
276 | Always Prayer Shawl, The | Oberman, Sheldon | |
277 | Always room for one more, | Leodhas, Sorche Nic, | |
278 | Always there | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439653681 |
279 | Am I the princess or the frog? : by Jamie Kelly | Benton, Jim. | 0439629071 |
280 | Amanda Bean's amazing dream : a mathematical story | Neuschwander, Cindy. | 0590300121 |
281 | Amanda Pig and her best friend Lollipop | Van Leeuwen, Jean. | 0803719825 |
282 | Amanda Pig and her big brother Oliver. | Van Leeuwen, Jean. | 9780140370089 |
283 | Amanda Pig on her own | Van Leeuwen, Jean. | 0803708947 (lib. bdg.) : |
284 | Amanda Pig on her own | Van Leeuwen, Jean. | 0803708947 (lib. bdg.) : |
285 | Amazing animals | Franco, Betsy. | 9780516222639 (lib. ed.) 0516222635 (lib. ed.) 9780516273853 (pbk.) 051627385X (pbk.) |
286 | Amazing animals | Franco, Betsy. | 9780516222639 (lib. ed.) 0516222635 (lib. ed.) 9780516273853 (pbk.) 051627385X (pbk.) |
287 | Amazing arctic animals | Glassman, Jackie. | 9780448428444 |
288 | Amazing armored animals | Sowler, Sandie. | 0679927670 (lib. bdg.) : 0679827676 (pbk.) |
289 | Amazing armored animals | Sowler, Sandie. | 0679927670 (lib. bdg.) : 0679827676 (pbk.) |
290 | The amazing bone | Steig, William, | 9780605721791 0605721793 9780312564216 031256421X 9781451717730 1451717733 |
291 | Amazing Grace | Hoffman, Mary, | 0803710402 : |
292 | Amazing Grace | Hoffman, Mary, | 0803710402 : |
293 | Amazing magnetism | Carmi, Rebecca. | 0439314321 |
294 | Amazing magnetism | Carmi, Rebecca. | 0439314321 |
295 | Amazing Mallika | Parkison, Jami, | 1559420871 |
296 | Amazing spiders | Schnieper, Claudia. | 0876143427 (lib. bdg.) : |
297 | Amazing tropical birds | Legg, Gerald. | 0679815201 (trade) : 0679915206 (lib. bdg.) |
298 | Amazon river dolphins | Petrie, Kristin, | 159679299X (lib. bdg.) : |
299 | Amber on the mountain | Johnston, Tony, | 014056408X |
300 | Amelia Bedelia | Parish, Peggy | |
301 | Amelia Bedelia 4 mayor | Parish, Herman. | 9780064443098 |
302 | Amelia Bedelia and the baby | Parish, Peggy. | 0060511052 |
303 | Amelia Bedelia and the baby | Parish, Peggy. | 0060511052 |
304 | Amelia Bedelia chalks one up | Parish, Herman. | 9780062334213 |
305 | Amelia Bedelia cleans up | Parish, Herman. | 9780062334008 |
306 | Amelia Bedelia dances off | Parish, Herman. | 9780062334084 |
307 | Amelia Bedelia goes camping | Parish, Peggy. | 0380700670 : |
308 | Amelia Bedelia goes camping | Parish, Peggy. | 0380700670 : |
309 | Amelia Bedelia goes camping | Parish, Peggy. | 0380700670 : |
310 | Amelia Bedelia goes wild! | Parish, Herman. | 9780062095060 |
311 | Amelia Bedelia hits the trail | Parish, Herman. | 9780062095268 |
312 | Amelia Bedelia is for the birds | Parish, Herman. | 9780062334244 |
313 | Amelia Bedelia joins the club | Parish, Herman. | 9780062221308 |
314 | Amelia Bedelia joins the club | Parish, Herman. | 9780062221308 |
315 | Amelia Bedelia makes a friend | Parish, Herman. | 9780062075154 |
316 | Amelia Bedelia makes a friend | Parish, Herman. | 9780062075154 |
317 | Amelia Bedelia means business | Parish, Herman. | 9780062094964 |
318 | Amelia Bedelia on the job | Parish, Herman. | 9780062334121 |
319 | Amelia Bedelia's family album | Parish, Peggy. | 0380716984 |
320 | Amelia Bedelia's first valentine | Parish, Herman. | 9780061544606 |
321 | Amelia Bedelia, bookworm | Parish, Herman. | 9780060518905 (trade) 0060518901 (trade) 9780060518912 (lib. ed.) 006051891X (lib. ed.) 9780060518929 (pbk.) 0060518928 (pbk.) |
322 | Amelia Bedelia, bookworm | Parish, Herman. | 9780060518905 (trade) 0060518901 (trade) 9780060518912 (lib. ed.) 006051891X (lib. ed.) 9780060518929 (pbk.) 0060518928 (pbk.) |
323 | Amelia Earhart : a photo-illustrated biography | Rosenthal, Marilyn. | 0736802037 |
324 | Amelia Earhart : young aviator | Gormley, Beatrice. | 9780689831881 : |
325 | Amelia hits the road | Moss, Marissa. | 1562477919 1562477900 (pbk.) |
326 | Amelia takes command | Moss, Marissa. | 1562477897 1562477889 (pbk.) |
327 | Amelia writes again | Moss, Marissa. | 1562477870 1562477862 (pbk.) |
328 | Amelia's family ties | Moss, Marissa. | 1584850795 1584850787 (pbk.) |
329 | Amelia's notebook | Moss, Marissa. | 1562477854 1562477846 (pbk.) |
330 | Amelia's road | Altman, Linda Jacobs, | 1880000040 : 188000027X |
331 | Amelie the seal fairy | Meadows, Daisy. | 0545270367 |
332 | America the 50 states | Friedson, Reid. | 1423202899 |
333 | America the beautiful | Bates, Katharine Lee, | 0689318618 : |
334 | America's first settlements | Thompson, Linda, | 1621699382 |
335 | America's national parks | Stone, Lynn M. | 158952313X |
336 | American alligators : freshwater survivors | Feigenbaum, Aaron. | 9781597165037 (library binding) : |
337 | American bison : a scary prediction | Caper, William. | 9781597165044 (library binding) : |
338 | American curl cats | Kallen, Stuart A., | 1562395785 |
339 | American Indian cooking before 1500 | Gunderson, Mary. | 0736806059 |
340 | American paint horses | Van Cleaf, Kristin, | 1596793139 (lib. bdg.) : |
341 | American Revolution : a nonfiction companion to Revolutionary War on Wednesday | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0375823794 |
342 | American Revolution : a nonfiction companion to Revolutionary War on Wednesday | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0375823794 |
343 | American shorthair cats | Furstinger, Nancy. | 1596792647 (lib. bdg.) : |
344 | American tall tales | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679900896 : |
345 | Amerigo Vespucci : explorer of South America and the West Indies | Niver, Heather Moore. | 9781477787922 |
346 | Amia and the ice gems | Brown, Felicity. | 0061687901 |
347 | Amigo | Baylor, Byrd. | 0689712995 : |
348 | An Amish wedding | Ammon, Richard. | 0689816774 |
349 | Among the betrayed | Haddix, Margaret Peterson. | 9780689839092 |
350 | Among the hidden | Haddix, Margaret Peterson. | 9780689824753 |
351 | Among the impostors | Haddix, Margaret Peterson. | 9780689839085 |
352 | Amulet. | Kibuishi, Kazu, | 9780439846813 |
353 | Amulet. | Kibuishi, Kazu, | 9780439846837 |
354 | Amulet. | Kibuishi, Kazu, | 9780439846837 |
355 | Amulet. | Kibuishi, Kazu, | 9780545208857 |
356 | Amulet. | Kibuishi, Kazu, | 9780545208871 |
357 | Amulet. Bk 7 Firelight | Kibuishi, Kazu, | 9780545433167 |
358 | The amusement park mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807503207 (hardback) 0807503193 (paperback) |
359 | The amusement park mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807503207 (hardback) 0807503193 (paperback) |
360 | Amy Namey in ace reporter | McDonald, Megan. | 9780763672164 |
361 | Anacaona, Golden Flower | Danticat, Edwidge, | 0439499062 |
362 | Anacondas | Gerholdt, James E., | 1562395122 |
363 | Anacondas | Sexton, Colleen A., | 9781600143137 |
364 | Anaheim Mighty Ducks | Goodman, Michael E. | 0886827469 |
365 | Anansi finds a fool : an Ashanti tale | Aardema, Verna. | 0803711654 (library) |
366 | Anasazi | Larson, Timothy. | 073984153X |
367 | Anastasia at this address | Lowry, Lois. | 0440406528 : |
368 | Anastasia, the last Grand Duchess | Meyer, Carolyn, | 0439129087 |
369 | Ancient Greece and the Olympics : a nonfiction companion to Hour of the Olympics | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0375823786 |
370 | Ancient Rome and Pompeii : a nonfiction companion to Vacation under the volcano | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0375832203 |
371 | And still the turtle watched | Callahan, Sheila MacGill. | 0803709315 0803709323 (lib. bdg.) |
372 | And the dish ran away with the spoon | Stevens, Janet. | 9780544668331 |
373 | And the good brown earth | Henderson, Kathy, | 9780763638412 |
374 | Andrew Jackson | Welsbacher, Anne, | 1562398113 |
375 | Andrew Jackson : a photo-illustrated biography | Potts, Steve. | 1560654554 |
376 | Andrew Jackson : a photo-illustrated biography | Potts, Steve. | 1560654554 |
377 | Andrew's loose tooth | Munsch, Robert. | 0590341979 |
378 | Andy (that's my name) | DePaola, Tomie, | 0689826974 |
379 | Angel | Miles, Ellen. | 9781338069198 |
380 | Angel child, dragon child | Surat, Michele Maria. | 0590422715 |
381 | An angel for Solomon Singer | Rylant, Cynthia. | 9780531070826 |
382 | Angel Pig and the Hidden Christmas | Waldron, Jan L. | |
383 | Angela's Airplane | Munsch | |
384 | Angelina's birthday surprise | Craig, Helen. | 0517573253 : |
385 | Angels don't know karate | Dadey, Debbie. | 0590849026 |
386 | Angor reborn | Hamilton, Richard. | 9781534428614 |
387 | Animal adaptations | Lundgren, Julie K. | 1615357661 |
388 | Animal babies | Hamsa, Bobbie. | 0516420666 |
389 | Animal cells | Dowdy, Penny. | 0778797570 |
390 | Animal intelligence : why is this dolphin smiling? | Pascoe, Elaine. | 1567112269 |
391 | Animal jokes | Phunny, U.R., | 1591976200 : |
392 | Animal Quack-Ups : Foolish and Funny Jokes about Animals | Dahl, Michael | |
393 | The animal shelter mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807503681 (hardbk.) 0807503673 (pbk.) |
394 | Animal tracks | Dorros, Arthur. | 0590433679 (lib. bdg.) : |
395 | Animals at home | Lock, David. | 0756640792 |
396 | Animals in fall | Schuh, Mari C., | 9781620310564 |
397 | Animals in fall | Schuh, Mari C., | 9781624960741 |
398 | Animals on board | Murphy, Stuart J., | 9780060274429 (trade) 0060274425 (trade) 9780060274436 (lib. ed.) 0060274433 (lib. ed.) 9780064467162 (pbk.) 0064467163 (pbk.) |
399 | Animals on board | Murphy, Stuart J., | 9780060274429 (trade) 0060274425 (trade) 9780060274436 (lib. ed.) 0060274433 (lib. ed.) 9780064467162 (pbk.) 0064467163 (pbk.) |
400 | Animals on the go | Brett, Jessica. | 0152025847 : 0152025901 (pbk.) |
401 | Animals without backbones | Kalman, Bobbie. | 0778732991 |
402 | The animals' ark | Dubuc, Marianne, | 9781771386234 |
403 | The animals' Santa | Brett, Jan, | 9780399257841 0399257845 |
404 | Animation : how to draw your own flipbooks, and other fun ways to make cartoons move | Jenkins, Patrick. | 0201567571 : |
405 | Anna Banana and me | Blegvad, Lenore. | 9780689711145 |
406 | Anne Frank | Dunn, Joeming W. | 1602700656 |
407 | Anne Frank | Poole, Josephine. | 0375832424 |
408 | Anne Frank : life in hiding | Hurwitz, Johanna. | 9780380732548 : |
409 | The Anne Frank case : Simon Wiesenthal's search for the truth | Rubin, Susan Goldman. | 9780823421091 (reinforced) : |
410 | Anne of Green Gables | Olmstead, Kathleen. | 1402711301 : |
411 | Annie and Snowball and the dress-up birthday : the first book of their adventures | Rylant, Cynthia. | 9781416909385 (hardcover) : 1416909389 (hardcover) : |
412 | Annie and Snowball and the pink surprise | Rylant, Cynthia. | 9781416914624 |
413 | Annie and Snowball and the thankful friends : the tenth book of their adventures | Rylant, Cynthia. | 9781416972020 |
414 | Annie and the old one | ||
415 | Annie and the wild animals | Brett, Jan, | 0395510066 |
416 | Annie Oakley : young markswoman | Wilson, Ellen Janet Cameron. | 0689713460 |
417 | Annie's adventures | Baratz-Logsted, Lauren. | 9780547133492 (hardcover) : $15.00 |
418 | Annie's adventures | Baratz-Logsted, Lauren. | 9780547133492 (hardcover) : $15.00 |
419 | Anno's mysterious multiplying jar | Anno, Masaichiro. | 0399209514 : |
420 | The annoying crush | O'Ryan, Ray. | 9781442493636 |
421 | Another Day in the Milky Way | Milgrim, David | |
422 | Another whole nother story | Soup, Cuthbert. | 1599904365 |
423 | Ant antics | Lock, Deborah. | 0756689333 |
424 | The ant's nest : a huge underground city | Aronin, Miriam. | 9781597168687 (library binding : alk. paper) : |
425 | Antarctic adventure : exploring the frozen South | Hooper, Meredith. | 078946683X : 0789466848 (pbk.) |
426 | Antarctica | Cowcher, Helen. | 0374403716 |
427 | Antarctica | Foster, Leila Merrell. | 1575724472 |
428 | Antarctica | Oachs, Emily Rose. | 9781626173248 |
429 | Anteaters | Dollar, Sam. | 0739841378 |
430 | Anthony and the girls | Konnecke, Ole. | 9780374303761 (trade) 0374303762 (trade) |
431 | Anthony and the girls | Konnecke, Ole. | 9780374303761 (trade) 0374303762 (trade) |
432 | Anthony and the girls | Konnecke, Ole. | 9780374303761 (trade) 0374303762 (trade) |
433 | Anthony and the girls | Konnecke, Ole. | 9780374303761 (trade) 0374303762 (trade) |
434 | Ants | Green, Emily K., | 9781600140082 (lib. ed.) 1600140084 (lib. ed.) |
435 | Ants | Green, Emily K., | 9781600140082 (lib. ed.) 1600140084 (lib. ed.) |
436 | Ants | Steele, Christy. | 0739833588 |
437 | Ants | Stewart, Melissa. | 1426306083 |
438 | Ants and Termites | Claybourne, Anna | |
439 | Ants in your pants, worms in your plants! : (Gilbert goes green) | De Groat, Diane. | 0061765112 |
440 | Antsy Ansel : Ansel Adams, a life in nature | Jenson-Elliott, Cynthia L. | 9781627790826 |
441 | Any day but today! | Doudna, Kelly, | 159197464X |
442 | The Apache | Press, Petra. | 075650077X (lib.) |
443 | Apostrophe | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1577656253 |
444 | The Appaloosa horse | Stewart, Gail B. | 1560652438 0516352431 0516402439 (pbk.) |
445 | The Appaloosa horse | Stewart, Gail B. | 1560652438 0516352431 0516402439 (pbk.) |
446 | Appaloosas | Gentle, Victor. | 0836821297 (lib.) |
447 | Appelemando's dreams | Polacco, Patricia. | 0399218009 : |
448 | Apple cake | Casey, Dawn, | 9781786032157 |
449 | Apple fractions | Pallotta, Jerry. | 0439389011 |
451 | Apples to applesauce | Snyder, Inez. | 9780516251950 (lib. ed.) 0516251953 (lib. ed.) 9780516255255 (pbk.) 0516255258 (pbk.) |
452 | Apples to Oregon : being the (slightly) true narrative of how a brave pioneer father brought apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, and cherries (and children) across the plains | Hopkinson, Deborah. | 0689847696 |
453 | April adventure | Roy, Ron, | 0375861165 |
454 | April fool! | Ruelle, Karen Gray. | 9780823417803 : |
455 | April Fool! watch out at school! | De Groat, Diane. | 0061430439 |
456 | April Fool's surprise | Klein, Abby. | 0545294959 |
457 | April Fools' Mr. Todd! | McDonald, Megan. | 9780763682019 |
458 | Apt. 3 | Keats, Ezra Jack. | 0689710593 (pbk.) : |
459 | Arabian horses | Gammie, Janet L. | 1562394401 |
460 | Arabian nights : retold from the original | Woodside, Martin. | 9781402745737 : |
461 | Arby Jenkins | Hambrick, Sharon, | 0890848793 |
462 | Arby Jenkins meets his match | Hambrick, Sharon, | 1579244610 |
463 | Arby Jenkins, mighty mustang | Hambrick, Sharon, | 0890849323 |
464 | Arby Jenkins, ready to roll | Hambrick, Sharon, | 0890849587 |
465 | Archery for fun! | Studelska, Jana Voelke. | 0756533902 |
466 | The Arctic | Baker, Alan, | 0872265404 |
467 | Arctic dreams | Gerber, Carole. | 9781580890748 |
468 | Arctic fox : very cool! | Person, Stephen. | 9781597167307 (library binding) : |
469 | Arctic lights, Arctic nights | Miller, Debbie S. | 9780802796363 |
470 | Arctic origami | Fullman, Joe. | 9781482459203 |
471 | The arctic patrol mystery | Dixon, Franklin W. | 0448089483 |
472 | Are we there yet? : a journey around Australia | Lester, Alison. | 1929132735 |
473 | Are you my mother? | Eastman, P. D. | 0394800184 |
474 | Are you quite polite? : silly dilly manners songs | Katz, Alan. | 9780689869709 |
475 | Are you still mad? | Weiss, Ellen. | 1575843110 |
476 | Are you there God? It's me, Margaret | Blume, Judy. | 0385739869 |
477 | Argus | Knudsen, Michelle. | 9780763637903 |
478 | Arlo Finch in the kingdom of shadows | August, John. | 9781250763228 |
479 | Arlo Finch in the lake of the moon | August, John. | 9781250233394 |
480 | Arlo Finch in the valley of fire | August, John. | 9781250294258 |
481 | Arlo needs glasses | Saltzberg, Barney. | 9780761168799 |
482 | Armadillo rodeo | Brett, Jan, | 0399228039 : |
483 | Armadillo rodeo | Brett, Jan, | 0399228039 : |
484 | Armadillos | McDonald, Amy, | 9781644873595 |
485 | Armadillos | Townsend, Emily Rose. | 9780736820752 (trade) 0736820752 (trade) |
486 | Armored and dangerous | Zimmerman, Howard. | 9781597167123 (library binding) : |
487 | Army Rangers in action | Sandler, Michael, | 9781597166324 (library binding) : |
488 | Around the world in 80 days | McFadden, Deanna. | 9781402736896 (hc.) : |
489 | Around the world in 80 days | Verne, Jules, | 1577656806 (lib. bdg.) : |
490 | Art & Max | Wiesner, David. | 0547505906 |
491 | The art of freedom : how artists see America | Raczka, Bob. | 0822575086 (reinforced) 9780822575085 (reinforced) |
492 | The art of freedom : how artists see America | Raczka, Bob. | 0822575086 (reinforced) 9780822575085 (reinforced) |
493 | The art of reading : forty illustrators celebrate RIF's 40th anniversary | 0525474846 | |
494 | The art treasure hunt : I spy with my little eye | Kutschbach, Doris. | 9783791370972 |
495 | Art-rageous | Young, Jessica | 9781479561773 |
496 | Artemis Fowl | Colfer, Eoin. | 0786808012 |
497 | Arthur and the best coach ever | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316119652 0316121177 (pbk.) : |
498 | Arthur and the Big Snow | Brown, Marc | |
499 | Arthur and the crunch cereal contest | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316115525 : 0316115533 (pbk.) |
500 | Arthur and the Dog Show | Brown, Marc | |
501 | Arthur and the perfect brother | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316121630 0316122262 (pbk.) |
502 | Arthur and the race to read | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316118168 0316120243 (pbk.) |
503 | Arthur and the recess rookie | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316119164 0316121053 (pbk.) |
504 | Arthur babysits | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316112933 |
505 | Arthur Helps Out | Brown, Marc Tolon. | |
506 | Arthur in a pickle | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780679984696 : |
507 | Arthur Jumps Into Fall | Brown, Marc | |
508 | Arthur makes the team | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316115517 |
509 | Arthur tells a story | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316733960 (pbk.) 0316733962 (pbk.) |
510 | Arthur tells a story | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316733960 (pbk.) 0316733962 (pbk.) |
511 | Arthur to the Rescue | Brown, Marc | |
512 | Arthur's back to school day | Hoban, Lillian. | 0060249552 0060249560 (lib. bdg.) |
513 | Arthur's birthday | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316110736 : |
514 | Arthur's camp-out | Hoban, Lillian. | 006444175X |
515 | Arthur's Christmas | Brown, Marc. | 0316111805 0316109932 (pbk.) |
516 | Arthur's Christmas cookies | Hoban, Lillian. | 0064440559 006440559 |
517 | Arthur's Christmas cookies | Hoban, Lillian. | 0064440559 006440559 |
518 | Arthur's family vacation | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316113123 0316109584 |
519 | Arthur's fire drill | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780679884767 |
520 | Arthur's first sleepover | Brown, Marc. | 0316114456 0316110493 (pbk.) |
521 | Arthur's great big valentine | Hoban, Lillian, | 006022407X |
522 | Arthur's Halloween | Brown, Marc. | 0316111163 0316110590 (pbk.) |
523 | Arthur's Heart Mix-Up | Brown, Marc | |
524 | Arthur's loose tooth | Hoban, Lillian. | 0064440931 |
525 | Arthur's nose | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316118842 (trade) 0316118842 (trade) |
526 | Arthur's off to school | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316733784 |
527 | Arthur's pen pal | Hoban, Lillian. | 006444032X |
528 | Arthur's perfect Christmas | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001309 : |
529 | Arthur's pet business | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316112623 (lib. bdg.) : |
530 | Arthur's Tree House | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316057769 (pbk.) 0316057762 (pbk.) |
531 | Arthur's Tree House | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316057769 (pbk.) 0316057762 (pbk.) |
532 | Arthur's Tree House | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316057769 (pbk.) 0316057762 (pbk.) |
533 | Arthur's Tree House | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316057769 (pbk.) 0316057762 (pbk.) |
534 | The artist who painted a blue horse | Carle, Eric. | 9780399257131 0399257136 |
535 | Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions | Musgrove, Margaret. | 0803703570 : |
536 | Ashes | Anderson, Laurie Halse. | 9781416961475 |
537 | Asia | Foster, Leila Merrell. | 1575724480 |
538 | Asia | Oachs, Emily Rose. | 9781626173255 |
539 | Assassin bug vs. Ogre-faced spider : when cunning hunters collide | Klepeis, Alicia, | 9781491480656 |
540 | Asteroids | Vogt, Gregory. | 0736811184 |
541 | Astronauts | Deedrick, Tami. | 1560657278 |
542 | Astronauts today | Hansen, Rosanna. | 0679881948 |
543 | At Christmastime | Worth, Valerie. | 0062050192: 0062050206 (lib. bdg.) |
544 | At Ellis Island : A History in Many Voices | Peacock, Louise | |
545 | At Grandma Ruth's house | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440669 |
546 | At the end of the garden | Dolan, Penny. | 0778738817 |
547 | At the farm | Schwartz, David M. | 0836822218 (lib.) |
548 | At the joust | Davis, Tony, | 0375873287 |
549 | At the marsh in the meadow | Mebane, Jeanie. | 9781585369799 |
550 | At the seashore | Schwartz, David M. | 0836822242 (lib.) |
551 | At the zoo | Schwartz, David M. | 0836822250 (lib.) |
552 | ATHLETES : THE PREFORMERS | Kyle Carter | |
553 | Atlanta Braves : stars, stats, history, and more! | Kelley, K.C. | 9781503828155 |
554 | Atlantic humpbacked dolphins | Petrie, Kristin, | 1596793007 (lib. bdg.) : |
555 | Atlantis : the mystery of the lost city | DeMolay, Jack. | 1404234071 (lib.) 1404221603 (pbk.) |
556 | Attaboy, Sam! | Lowry, Lois. | 0395615887 : |
557 | Attaboy, Sam! | Lowry, Lois. | 0395615887 : |
558 | Attaboy, Sam! | Lowry, Lois. | 0395615887 : |
559 | Attack in the arena | Hering, Marianne. | 1589976282 |
560 | The attack of Professor Zoom! | Manning, Matthew K. | 1434230910 9781434226143 9781434230911 |
561 | Attack of the bandit cats | Geronimo Stilton | 0439559707 |
562 | Attack of the dragons | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9780545872386 |
563 | Attack of the heroes : starring Spider-Man | Thomas, Rich. | 9781614794820 |
564 | Attack of the mutant | Metz, Melinda. | 0590939696 |
565 | Attack of the mutant lunch lady | Nickel, Scott. | 9781434204516 |
566 | Auggie & me : three Wonder stories | Palacio, R. J., | 9781101934852 1101934859 9781101934869 1101934867 9781101935774 1101935774 |
567 | August acrobat | Roy, Ron. | 0375868860 |
568 | Aunt Eater loves a mystery | Cushman, Doug. | 0064441261 |
569 | Aunt Eater loves a mystery | Cushman, Doug. | 0064441261 |
570 | Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the sky | Ringgold, Faith. | 0517587688 : 051758767X : |
571 | Aunt Isabel makes trouble | Duke, Kate. | 0525454969 |
572 | Aunt Isabel tells a good one | Duke, Kate. | 0140505342 |
573 | The austere academy | Snicket, Lemony. | 0064408639 |
574 | Australia | Bell, Rachael, | 1575728508 |
575 | Australia | Dahl, Michael. | 1560655216 |
576 | Australia | Italia, Bob, | 157765384X |
577 | Australia | Oachs, Emily Rose. | 9781626173262 |
578 | Australia : the culture | Banting, Erinn. | 0778793451 |
579 | Australia : the land | Banting, Erinn. | 0778793435 |
580 | Australia : the people | Banting, Erinn. | 0778793443 |
581 | Author day for room 3T | Pulver, Robin. | 0618354069 |
582 | An author's odyssey | Colfer, Chris, | 9780316383295 |
583 | Autmn of the Elk | Stone, Lynn M. | |
584 | Auto mechanics | Boraas, Tracey. | 0736800727 |
585 | An autobiography of Abraham Lincoln : consisting of the personal portions of his letters, speeches and conversations ; | Lincoln, Abraham, | |
586 | The autumn visitors | Hayes, Karel, | 9781608934546 |
587 | Away go the boats | Hillert, Margaret. | 1599531461 |
588 | Away in a star sled | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9781338032864 |
589 | Away with words : the daring story of Isabella Bird | Mortensen, Lori, | 9781682630051 |
590 | The awesome aquarium mystery! | Marsh, Carole. | 0635062259 : |
591 | The awesome aquarium mystery! | Marsh, Carole. | 0635062259 : |
592 | The awesome Atlanta mystery | Marsh, Carole. | 0635080818 |
593 | Awesome autumn | Goldstone, Bruce. | 9781250062666 |
594 | Awful Ogre running wild | Prelutsky, Jack. | 9780066238661 0066238668 9780066238678 0066238676 |
595 | Aye-aye : an evil omen | Aronin, Miriam. | 9781597167314 (library binding) : |
596 | The Aztec | Santella, Andrew. | 0516225006 (lib.) 0516269739 (pbk.) |
597 | Aztecs, The Rise and Fall of a Great Empire | Smalley, Roger | |
598 | The B-Team : caught in a pickle | Jacobson, Ryan. | 9781434226068 |
599 | Baba Yaga : a Russian folktale | Arnold, Katya. | 1558582096 |
600 | Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave | Mayer, Marianna. | 0688085008 : 0688085016 (lib. bdg.) 0329044206 |
601 | Babar learns to cook | Brunhoff, Laurent de, | 0394841085 039494108X (lib. bdg.) 0394841077 (Book Club) |
602 | Babar learns to cook | Brunhoff, Laurent de, | 0394841085 039494108X (lib. bdg.) 0394841077 (Book Club) |
603 | Babar's Little Circus Star | DeBrunhoff | |
604 | Babe : the gallant pig | King-Smith, Dick. | 9780679873938 : |
605 | Babe Ruth : one of baseball's greatest | Van Riper, Guernsey, | 0020421303 |
606 | Babe Ruth : one of baseball's greatest | Van Riper, Guernsey, | 0020421303 |
607 | Babe Ruth saves baseball! | Murphy, Frank. | 0375930485 |
608 | Baboons | Woods, Mae. | 1562395963 |
609 | Baboushka and the three kings. | Robbins, Ruth. | |
610 | Baboushka and the three kings. | Robbins, Ruth. | |
611 | Babushka Baba Yaga | Polacco, Patricia. | 0399225315 : |
612 | Babushka's doll | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780689802553 |
613 | Babushka's Mother Goose | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780698118607 |
614 | Baby alligators | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 9781629691923 |
615 | Baby animals | Simon, Seymour. | 1587171716 : |
616 | Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? | Martin, Bill, Jr | |
617 | Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See? | Martin, Bill, Jr | |
618 | Baby bears | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781600149221 |
619 | Baby bears | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781612117553 |
620 | A baby born in Bethlehem | Hickman, Martha Whitmore, | 0807555231 |
621 | Baby bug dishes | Goldish, Meish. | 9781597167581 : |
622 | The baby bunny | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655641 |
623 | Baby cats | Olson, Bethany. | 9781600149238 |
624 | Baby cats | Olson, Bethany. | 9781612117560 |
625 | Baby cheetahs | Leaf, Christina. | 9781626171688 |
626 | Baby cheetahs | Leaf, Christina. | 9781681030302 |
627 | Baby cows | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781600149245 |
628 | Baby cows | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781612117577 |
629 | Baby deer | Olson, Bethany. | 9781600149252 |
630 | Baby deer | Olson, Bethany. | 9781612117584 |
631 | Baby dogs | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781600149269 |
632 | Baby dogs | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781612117591 |
633 | Baby ducks | Leaf, Christina. | 9781600149733 |
634 | Baby ducks | Leaf, Christina. | 9781612119205 |
635 | Baby eagles | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 9781629691930 |
636 | Baby Elephant goes for a swim | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440855 |
637 | Baby Elephant is thirsty | Coulton, Mia. | 162544088X |
638 | Baby Elephant runs away | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440847 |
639 | Baby Elephant's trunk | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440863 |
640 | Baby elephants | Leaf, Christina, | 9781626171695 1626171696 |
641 | Baby fox | Lang, Aubrey. | 155041688X 155041724X (pbk.) |
642 | Baby foxes | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781626172159 |
643 | Baby foxes | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781681030708 |
644 | Baby giraffes | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781626172166 |
645 | Baby giraffes | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781681030715 |
646 | Baby goats | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781600149276 |
647 | Baby goats | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781612117607 |
648 | Baby gorillas | Leaf, Christina. | 9781626171701 |
649 | Baby hedgehogs | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781626172173 |
650 | Baby hedgehogs | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781681030722 |
651 | Baby horses | Olson, Bethany. | 9781600149283 |
652 | Baby horses | Olson, Bethany. | 9781612117614 |
653 | Baby koalas | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781626172197 |
654 | Baby koalas | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781681030746 |
655 | Baby monkeys | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781612117621 |
656 | Baby Orangutans | Leaf, Christina, | 9781626171718 1626171726 |
657 | Baby owls | Leaf, Christina. | 9781681030340 |
658 | Baby owls | Leaf, Christina. | 9781681030340 |
659 | Baby pandas | Olson, Bethany. | 9781612117638 |
660 | Baby pandas | Olson, Bethany. | 9781612117638 |
661 | Baby penguins | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781600149313 1600149316 9780531222843 0531222845 |
662 | Baby pigs | Leaf, Christina, | 9781600149757 1600149758 9780531205648 0531205649 |
663 | Baby polar bears | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 9781624035111 |
664 | Baby rabbits | Olson, Bethany. | 9780531222850 9781600149320 1600149324 |
665 | Baby sea otters | Leaf, Christina. | 9781612119236 |
666 | Baby seal | Lang, Aubrey. | 1550416855 1550417266 (pbk.) |
667 | Baby seals | Kawa, Katie. | 1433955369 |
668 | Baby seals | Leaf, Christina. | 978-1-60014-977-1 |
669 | Baby seals | Leaf, Christina. | 9781612119243 |
670 | Baby sheep | Leaf, Christina. | 9781600149788 |
671 | Baby shoes | Slater, Dashka. | 9781582346847 (trade) 1582346844 (trade) |
672 | Baby shoes | Slater, Dashka. | 9781582346847 (trade) 1582346844 (trade) |
673 | The baby sister | De Paola, Tomie. | 0399229086 |
674 | Baby sloths | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781600149337 |
675 | Baby sloths | Schuetz, Kari. | 9781612117669 |
676 | Baby Squirrels | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 0531217744 162617217X 9780531217740 9781626172203 |
677 | Baby squirrels | Borgert-Spaniol, Megan, | 9781681030753 |
678 | Baby tigers | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 9781624035128 |
679 | The baby uggs are hatching | Prelutsky, Jack. | 0688009220 : 0688009239 (lib. bdg.) : |
680 | Baby wolves | Olson, Bethany. | 9781612117676 |
681 | Baby wolves | Olson, Bethany. | 9781612117676 |
682 | Baby, I'm bigger | Ziefert, Harriet. | 1402742444 |
683 | The Baby-sitters club. | Chau, Chan. | 9781338304602 |
684 | The Baby-sitters club. | Epstein, Gabriela. | 9781338304572 |
685 | The Baby-sitters club. | Galligan, Gale. | 9781338067118 |
686 | The Baby-sitters club. | Galligan, Gale. | 9781338067118 |
687 | The Baby-sitters club. | Galligan, Gale. | 9781338067613 |
688 | The Baby-sitters club. | Galligan, Gale. | 9781338067613 |
689 | The Baby-sitters club. | Galligan, Gale. | 9781338304510 |
690 | The Baby-sitters club. | Galligan, Gale. | 9781338304510 |
691 | The Baby-sitters club. | Galligan, Gale. | 9781338304541 |
692 | The Baby-sitters club. | Telgemeier, Raina. | 9780545813877 |
693 | The Baby-sitters club. | Telgemeier, Raina. | 9780545813877 |
694 | The Baby-sitters club. | Telgemeier, Raina. | 9780545813891 |
695 | The Baby-sitters club. | Telgemeier, Raina. | 9780545813891 |
696 | The Baby-sitters club. | Telgemeier, Raina. | 9780545886215 |
697 | The Baby-sitters club. | Telgemeier, Raina. | 9780545886222 |
698 | The Baby-sitters club. | Telgemeier, Raina. | 9780545886222 |
699 | Baby-sitters little sister. | Farina, Katy. | 9781338315196 |
700 | Baby-sitters little sister. | Farina, Katy. | 9781338356144 |
701 | Baby-sitters little sister. | Farina, Katy. | 9781338356182 |
702 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375832297 |
703 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375832300 |
704 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375832319 |
705 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375837981 |
706 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375839895 |
707 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375843876 |
708 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375843884 |
709 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 0375865748 |
710 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375832321 |
711 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375839887 |
712 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375932304 |
713 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375937897 |
714 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375937910 |
715 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375939891 |
716 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375957123 |
717 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375957130 |
718 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375967801 |
719 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375970986 |
720 | Babymouse. | Holm, Jennifer L. | 9780375970993 |
721 | Back and forth | Schaefer, Lola M., | 073680398X |
722 | Back in time : the second journey through time | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9780545746182 |
723 | Back on the beam | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434212115 |
724 | Back row dynamo | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496549266 |
725 | Back to front and upside down | Alexander, Claire. | 9780802854148 |
726 | Back to school with Betsy | Haywood, Carolyn, | 0152051015 |
727 | Back to school with Betsy | Haywood, Carolyn, | 0152051015 |
728 | Back to school, weird kids rule! | Gutman, Dan. | 0062206850 |
729 | Back yard Angel | Delton, Judy. | 0395960606 |
730 | Backhoes | McDonald, Amy, | 9781644873670 |
731 | Backup goalie | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434204677 |
732 | Backyard bandit mystery | Lewis, Beverly, | 9781556619861 |
733 | Backyard Ghost | Cullen | |
734 | The backyard ghost | Cullen, Lynn. | 0395645271 |
735 | Bad apple : a tale of friendship | Hemingway, Edward. | 9780399251917 |
736 | The Bad Beginning | Lemony Snicket | |
737 | The bad beginning | Snicket, Lemony. | 9780061146305 : |
738 | A bad case of stripes | Shannon, David. | 0439598389 |
739 | A bad case of the giggles : kids' favorite funny poems | 0671899821 | |
740 | Bad Kitty does not like snow | Bruel, Nick. | 9781626725812 |
741 | Bad Kitty does not like video games | Bruel, Nick. | 9781626725829 |
742 | Bad Kitty for President | Bruel, Nick | |
743 | Bad luck Boswell | Hearn, Diane Dawson. | 0689803036 : |
744 | Bad luck, Lucy! | Graves, Sue. | 0778738825 |
745 | Bad news for outlaws : the remarkable life of Bass Reeves, deputy U.S. marshall | Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux. | 9780822567646 (reinforced) : |
746 | A bad, bad day | Hall, Kirsten. | 0590254960 |
747 | Bad-luck basketball | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434291561 |
748 | The badger and the magic fan : a Japanese folktale | Johnston, Tony. | 0399219455 : |
749 | Badgers : active at night | Howard, Fran. | 0736826122 |
750 | The bag of bones | French, Vivian. | 9780763642556 (hardcover) : |
751 | Bagels come home! | Stuchner, Joan Betty. | 1459803469 |
752 | Baghead | Krosoczka, Jarrett. | 037581566X : 0375915664 (lib.) |
753 | Bailey's bike | Mortensen, Lori. | 1404840818 (lib.) |
754 | Bailey's story : a dog's purpose puppy tale | Cameron, W. Bruce. | 9780765388414 |
755 | Bake, mice, bake! | Seltzer, Eric. | 0448457636 |
756 | Baker, baker, cookie maker | Hayward, Linda. | 0679883797 |
757 | Baker, baker, cookie maker | Hayward, Linda. | 0679883797 |
758 | Bakers | Deedrick, Tami. | 1560657286 |
759 | Balance beam boss | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496583253 |
761 | Balancing act | Walsh, Ellen Stoll. | 9781442407572 |
762 | The bald bandit | Roy, Ron. | 0679884491 (pbk.) 0679984496 (lib.) |
763 | Bald eagle magic for kids | Gieck, Charlene. | 0836807618 |
764 | Bald eagles | Gerholdt, James E., | 156239584X |
765 | Bald eagles | Stone, Lynn M. | 0822530341 |
766 | Bald eagles : a chemical nightmare | Goldish, Meish. | 9781597165051 (library binding) : |
767 | Balinese cats | Kallen, Stuart A., | 1562395793 |
768 | The ball book | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813656060 |
769 | The ballad of Belle Dorcas | Hooks, William H. | 0394846451 : 0394946456 : |
770 | The ballad of the pirate queens | Yolen, Jane. | 0152007105 : |
771 | The ballad of the pirate queens | Yolen, Jane. | 0152007105 : |
772 | Ballet bullies | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434216045 |
773 | Ballet of the elephants | Schubert, Leda. | 1596430753 (hardcover) : |
774 | Balloon Tree, The | Gilman, Phoebe | |
775 | Baloney (Henry P.) | Scieszka, Jon. | 9780142404300 |
776 | Bandannas, chaps, and ten-gallon hats | Kalman, Bobbie. | 0778700739 (lib.) 0778701050 (pbk.) |
777 | Bandit | Miles, Ellen. | 9780545348348 054534834X |
778 | The Banshee train | Bodkin, Odds. | 0395694264 : |
779 | The banza : a Haitian story | Wolkstein, Diane. | |
780 | The barber's cutting edge | Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn. | 0892391278 |
781 | Barbie & the Diamond Castle | Depken, Kristen L. | 0375856196 |
782 | Barbie : two princesses | Gordh, Bill. | 0307262065 |
783 | Barbie Thumbelina | Landolf, Diane Wright. | 0375856900 |
784 | The bard and the beast | Quinn, Jordan. | 9781481443968 |
785 | Bard of Avon : the story of William Shakespeare | Stanley, Diane. | 0688091083 (trade) 0688091091 (library) |
786 | Bard of Avon : the story of William Shakespeare | Stanley, Diane. | 0688091083 (trade) 0688091091 (library) |
787 | A bargain for Frances | Hoban, Russell. | 006444001X |
788 | Bark, George | Feiffer, Jules. | 9780062051851 (trade) 0062051857 (trade) |
789 | Barn | Atwell, Debby. | 0395785685 |
790 | Barn dance! | Martin, Bill. | 0805007997 |
791 | Barns of barley : the parable of the rich fool : Luke 12:16-21 | Courtney, Claudia. | 0570050952 |
792 | Barnum's bones : how Barnum Brown discovered the most famous dinosaur in the world | Fern, Tracey E. | 0374305161 |
793 | Barnyard Banter | Fleming, Denise | |
794 | Baron von Baddie and the ice ray incident | McClements, George. | 9780152061388 (reinforced) : |
795 | Bartlett and the forest of plenty | Hirsch, Odo. | 1582349312 (hardcover) : |
796 | Base + ball = baseball | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591974305 |
797 | Baseball : the 2004 Boston Red Sox | Sandler, Michael. | 1597161659 (library binding) : |
798 | The baseball birthday party | Prager, Annabelle. | 0679841717 : 0679941711 (GLB) |
799 | The baseball birthday party | Prager, Annabelle. | 0679841717 : 0679941711 (GLB) |
800 | Baseball in Action | Dann Sarah | |
801 | Baseball saved us | Mochizuki, Ken, | 1880000199 |
802 | Baseball:Run, Throw&Catch : Baseball | Bryant Lloyd | |
803 | Bases loaded | Hughes, Dean. | 0689819285 : 0689819382 (pbk.) |
804 | Basket | Lyon, George Ella, | 0531058867 : 0531084868 (lib. bdg.) |
805 | Basketball : the return of Bernard King | Sandler, Michael. | 1597161667 (library binding) : |
806 | Basketball breakdown | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496531667 |
807 | Basketball in Action | Crossingham John | |
808 | Basketball's greatest players | Kramer, S. A. | 0679881123 (pbk.) 0679981128 (lib.) |
809 | Bass cannot play bass | Molter, Carey, | 1577657934 |
810 | Bass fishing | Schwartz, Tina P., | 1448862019 |
811 | Basset Hounds | Meister, Cari. | 1577654781 : |
812 | Bat loves the night | Davies, Nicola, | 0763624381 |
813 | Bat Masterson | Green, Carl R. | 0894903624 |
814 | The bat's cave : a dark city | Markovics, Joyce L. | 9781597168717 (library binding) : |
815 | A bath for Lucky | Coulton, Mia. | 1625441088 |
816 | Bathtime for Biscuit | Capucilli, Alyssa. | 0064442640 |
817 | Bathtime for Biscuit | Capucilli, Alyssa. | 0064442640 |
818 | Bathtime for Biscuit | Capucilli, Alyssa. | 0064442640 |
819 | Batman : Catwoman's nine lives | Manning, Matthew K. | 9781434291325 1434291324 9781434291363 1434291367 |
820 | Bats | McDonald, Amy, | 9781644873601 |
821 | Batter up! | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434204653 |
822 | Battle for Cannibal Island | Hering, Marianne. | 1589976746 |
823 | The battle for Skandia | Flanagan, John | 0142413402 |
824 | The battle for the Emerald Buddha : Thailand | Hunt, Elizabeth Singer. | 9781602863590 |
825 | The Battle of Gettysburg | Anderson, Dale. | 0836853725 (lib.) 0836854004 (pbk.) |
826 | The battle of Gettysburg, 1863 | Tarshis, Lauren. | 0545459362 |
827 | The battle of the Labyrinth | Riordan, Rick. | 1423101464 |
828 | Baxter is missing | Elliott, Rebecca. | 9781338042849 |
829 | Baxter is missing | Elliott, Rebecca. | 9781338042849 |
830 | Bayport buccaneers | Dixon, Franklin W. | 1416934030 |
831 | Bb | Doudna, Kelly, | 1577653955 |
832 | Be a star! | Alexander, Heather, | 0545757541 9780545757546 054575755X 9780545757553 |
833 | Be kind | Miller, Pat Zietlow. | 9781626723214 |
834 | Be kind to your Mother (Earth) ; and, Blame it on the wolf : two original plays | Love, Douglas. | 0060211067 |
835 | Be kind to your Mother (Earth) ; and, Blame it on the wolf : two original plays | Love, Douglas. | 0060211067 |
836 | Be quiet! | Higgins, Ryan T. | 9781484731628 |
837 | Be quiet, Pooh! | Gaines, Isabel. | 0786843187 |
838 | Bea's own good | Talley, Linda, | 1559420928 |
839 | Beach bully | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434259738 |
840 | Beach day | Mayer, Mercer, | 1577688449 |
841 | Beach day! | Lakin, Patricia, | 0803728948 (reinforced) : |
842 | Beans | Smith-Saunders | |
843 | Bear & Hare go fishing | Gravett, Emily. | 9781481422895 |
844 | The bear ate your sandwich | Sarcone-Roach, Julia. | 9780375858604 |
845 | Bear can't sleep | Wilson, Karma, | 9781481459730 1481459732 |
846 | Bear claws | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1596799250 (lib. bdg.) : 1596799269 (pbk.) |
847 | Bear dreams | Cooper, Elisha. | 9780060874285 (trade) 0060874287 (trade) 9780060874292 (lib. ed.) 0060874295 (lib. ed.) |
848 | Bear feels scared | Wilson, Karma. | 9780689859861 |
849 | Bear has a story to tell | Stead, Philip Christian. | 9781596437456 |
850 | Bear in mind : a book of bear poems | 0670819077 | |
851 | Bear Named Trouble, A | Bauer, Marion Dane | |
852 | Bear on a bike | Blackstone, Stella. | 1901223493 |
853 | The bear report | Heder, Thyra. | 9781419707834 |
854 | Bear sees colors | Wilson, Karma. | 9781442465367 |
855 | Bear snores on | Wilson, Karma. | 0689831870 |
856 | The bear who wasn't there | Pham, LeUyen. | 9781596439702 |
857 | The bear's bicycle | McLeod, Emilie. | 0316562068 |
858 | Bear's busy family | Blackstone, Stella. | 1902283902 |
859 | Bear's First Christmas | Kinerk, Robert | |
860 | The bear's winter house | Yeoman, John. | 9781842709160 |
861 | Beardream | Hobbs, Will | |
862 | Bears | Courtauld, Sarah. | 0794527353 |
863 | Bears | McDonald, Amy, | 9781644874721 |
864 | Bears | Swanson, Diane. | 0836822137 (lib.) |
865 | The bears on Hemlock Mountain | Dalgliesh, Alice, | 0689716044 |
866 | The bears' picnic, | Berenstain, Stan, | |
867 | Bearstone | Hobbs, Will. | 0689314965 : |
868 | Bearstone | Hobbs, Will. | 0689314965 : |
869 | Beastly tales : yeti, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness monster | Yorke, Malcolm. | 0789429624 |
870 | The beasts of Clawstone Castle | Ibbotson, Eva. | 0525477195 (alk. paper) : |
871 | A beasty story | Martin, Bill, | 0152165606 |
872 | Beat the story-drum, pum-pum | Bryan, Ashley. | 9780689711077 |
873 | Beatrice doesn't want to | Numeroff, Laura Joffe. | 0763611603 |
874 | The Beatrice letters | Snicket, Lemony. | 0060586583 |
875 | Beatrice's spells | Martin, Paul, | 1599618842 |
877 | The Beatryce prophecy | DiCamillo, Kate. | 9781536213614 |
878 | Beautiful butterflies | Goldish, Meish. | 9781597165877 : |
879 | Beautiful Feast for a Big King Cat | Archambault, John and Bill Martin Jr | |
880 | Beautiful oops! | Saltzberg, Barney. | 9780761157281 |
881 | The beautiful stories of life : six Greek myths, retold | Rylant, Cynthia. | 0152061843 |
882 | Beauty | Wallace, Bill, | 0823407152 : |
883 | Beauty and the beast | Brett, Jan, | 9780395557020 : |
884 | Beauty and the beast | Brett, Jan, | 9780395557020 : |
885 | Beaver at Long Pond | George, William T. | 0688071066 0688071074 (lib. bdg.) |
886 | The beaver family book | Kalas, Sybille. | 0887080502 : |
887 | The beaver's lodge : building with leftovers | Reingold, Adam. | 9781597168724 : |
888 | Beavers : big-toothed builders | Sullivan, Jody. | 0736813926 |
889 | Beavers and their lodges | Rustad, Martha E. H. | 0736825827 |
890 | Because Amelia smiled | Stein, David Ezra. | 9780763641696 |
891 | Because I Love You | Lucado, Max | |
892 | Because I Love You | Lucado, Max | |
893 | Because of Winn-Dixie | DiCamillo, Kate. | 0763607762 : |
894 | Because of Winn-Dixie | DiCamillo, Kate. | 9780763644321 (pbk.) : |
895 | Becoming a citizen | Hamilton, John, | 1591976421 : |
896 | Becoming Brianna | Libenson, Terri. | 9780062894533 |
897 | A bed full of cats | Keller, Holly. | 0152023313 0152022627 (pbk.) |
898 | Bed-knob and broomstick | Norton, Mary. | 0152024565 |
899 | Bedhead | Palatini, Margie. | 9780689860027 |
900 | Bedtime mouse | Stoddard, Sandol. | 039531609X (lib. bdg.) : 0395674360 (pbk.) : |
901 | Bedtime! | Swain, Gwenyth, | 1575051621 |
902 | The bee : friend of the flowers | Starosta, Paul. | 1570916292 |
903 | Bee still : an invitation to meditation | Sileo, Frank J., | 9781433828706 |
904 | The bee tree | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780698116962 |
905 | Beef stew | Brenner, Barbara. | 0394850467 : 0394950461 (lib. bdg.) : |
906 | Beezus and Ramona | Cleary, Beverly. | 9780380709182 : |
907 | Before I leave | Bagley, Jessixa. | 9781626720404 |
908 | Before John was a jazz giant : a song of John Coltrane | Weatherford, Carole Boston, | 0805079947 (reinforced) : 9780805079944 (reinforced) : |
909 | Before she was Harriet | Cline-Ransome, Lesa. | 9780823420476 |
910 | Before we eat : from farm to table | Brisson, Pat. | 9780884483526 |
911 | Beginner word problems | Berry, Minta. | 1427196451 |
912 | The Behemoth Blizzard Mystery | Marsh, Carole. | 0635064677 : |
913 | Behind the Bedroom Wall : A Novel of Nazi Germany | Williams, Laura E. | |
914 | Behind the blue and gray : the soldier's life in the Civil War | Ray, Delia. | 0525673334 |
915 | Behind the plate | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434240101 |
916 | Behold the bold umbrellaphant : and other poems | Prelutsky, Jack. | 0060543183 (lib. bdg.) |
917 | Being Bee | Bateson, Catherine, | 082342104X (hardcover) : 9780823421046 (hardcover) : |
918 | Being Frank | Earnhardt, Donna W. | 9781936261192 |
919 | Being friends | Althea. | 0836821157 (lib.) |
920 | Being friends | Althea. | 0836821157 (lib.) |
921 | Being friends | Beaumont, Karen. | 9780803725294 (trade) 0803725299 (trade) |
922 | Being me | Broski, Julie, | 0516249134 |
923 | Bella : a butterfly's story | Randolph, Joanne. | 9781607540984 |
924 | Bella blew blue bubbles | Rondeau, Amanda, | 161758309X |
925 | Bella's gift | Brown, Felicity. | 0061673315 |
926 | Belle Starr | Green, Carl R. | 0894903632 |
927 | The Bellmaker | Jacques, Brian. | 0399228055 |
928 | The Bellmaker | Jacques, Brian. | 0399228055 |
929 | The bells of Christmas | Hamilton, Virginia. | 0152064508 (lib. bdg.) : |
930 | The bells of Christmas | Hamilton, Virginia. | 0152064508 (lib. bdg.) : |
931 | Beluga whales | Prevost, John F. | 1562394770 |
932 | Ben and the big balloon | Graves, Sue. | 0778738914 |
933 | Ben over night | Ellis, Sarah. | 1550418076 |
934 | Ben Roethlisberger | Sandler, Michael, | 1597167703 |
935 | Ben's dream : story and pictures | Van Allsburg, Chris. | 0395320844 |
936 | Ben's pens : the sound of "short e" | Flanagan, Alice K. | 1567666957 (lib.) |
937 | Beneath the Stone Forest | Quinn, Jordan. | 9781481413916 |
938 | Benjamin Banneker : self-educated scientist | Simons, Lisa M. B., | 9781543506457 |
939 | Benjamin Franklin | Joseph, Paul, | 1562396331 |
940 | Benjamin Franklin | Rustad, Martha E. H. | 0736809953 |
941 | Benjamin Franklin | Usel, T. M. | 1560653426 |
942 | Benjamin Pratt & the Keepers of the School : We the Children | Clements, Andrew | |
943 | Benjamin Pratt and the Keepers of the School : Fear itself | Clements, Andrew, | 1416939083 |
944 | Benny and penny in Just Pretend | Hayes, Geoffrey | |
945 | Benny and Penny in The big no-no! : a Toon Book | Hayes, Geoffrey. | 0979923891 |
946 | Benny uncovers a mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807506443 |
947 | Benny uncovers a mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807506443 |
948 | Benny's new friend | Warner, Gertrude Chandler. | 0807506494 |
949 | The Berenstain bear scouts and the ice monster | Berenstain, Stan. | 0590944797 (pbk.) : |
950 | The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the missing merit badges | Berenstain, Stan. | 0590563904 |
951 | The Berenstain bear scouts and the really big disaster | Berenstain, Stan. | 0590944819 (pbk.) : |
952 | The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the search for Naughty Ned | Berenstain, Stan. | 0590565095 |
953 | The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the stinky milk mystery | Berenstain, Stan. | 0590565249 |
954 | The Berenstain Bear Scouts scream their heads off | Berenstain, Stan. | 0590944843 (pbk.) : |
955 | The Berenstain Bears : blessed are the peacemakers | Berenstain, Mike, | 9780310734819 |
956 | The Berenstain Bears : God made the colors | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780310725077 |
957 | The Berenstain Bears : God made the seasons | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780310725091 |
958 | The Berenstain Bears all aboard! | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780060574185 |
959 | The Berenstain Bears and a job well done | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780310712541 |
960 | The Berenstain Bears and mama for mayor! | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780062075277 |
961 | The Berenstain Bears and Mama's new job | Berenstain, Stan, | 0394868811 |
962 | The Berenstain Bears and the baby chipmunk | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780060584139 |
963 | The Berenstain Bears and the baby chipmunk | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780060584139 |
964 | The Berenstain Bears and the bad dream | Berenstain, Stan, | 0394873416 |
965 | The Berenstain Bears and the bad habit | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394873404 |
966 | The Berenstain Bears and the bad influence | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780060573881 |
967 | The Berenstain Bears and the big blooper | Berenstain, Stan, | 1590192257 |
968 | The Berenstain Bears and the big blooper | Berenstain, Stan. | 0679889620 : 0679989625 (lib.) |
969 | The Berenstain bears and the big spelling bee | Berenstain, Stan, | 0060573864 |
970 | The Berenstain Bears and the blame game | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780679887430 : |
971 | The Berenstain Bears and the Christmas angel | Berenstain, Mike, | 9780310749240 |
972 | The Berenstain Bears and the dress code | Berenstain, Stan, | 0679866655 |
973 | The Berenstain Bears and the excuse note | Berenstain, Stan, | 0375811257 |
974 | The Berenstain Bears and the galloping ghost | Berenstain, Stan | 0679958150 |
975 | The Berenstain Bears and the ghost of the forest | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394805658 |
976 | The Berenstain Bears and the ghost of the forest | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394805658 |
977 | The Berenstain Bears and the gift of courage | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780310712565 |
978 | The Berenstain Bears and the green-eyed monster | Berenstain, Stan, | 1590192230 |
979 | The Berenstain Bears and the homework hassle | Berenstain, Stan, | 067988744X |
980 | The Berenstain Bears and the in-crowd | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394830131 |
981 | The Berenstain Bears and the in-crowd | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394830131 |
982 | The Berenstain Bears and the joy of giving | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780310712558 |
983 | The Berenstain Bears and the mama's day surprise | Berenstain, Stan, | 037581132X |
984 | The Berenstain Bears and the missing honey | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394891330 |
985 | The Berenstain Bears and the prize pumpkin | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780679808473 |
986 | The Berenstain Bears and the real Easter eggs | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780375811333 |
987 | The Berenstain Bears and the spooky old tree | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394839103 (trade) 0394839102 (trade) 9780394939100 (lib. ed.) 0394939107 (lib. ed.) |
988 | The Berenstain Bears and the truth | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394856407 |
989 | The Berenstain Bears and the week at grandma's | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394873350 |
990 | The Berenstain bears and too much junk food | Berenstain, Stan, | 0394872177 (pbk.) : 0394972171 (lib. bdg.) : |
991 | The Berenstain Bears Bear Country blessings | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780310735038 |
992 | The Berenstain Bears blaze a trail | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780394891323 |
993 | The Berenstain Bears by the sea | Berenstain, Stan, | 0679887199 |
994 | The Berenstain Bears catch the bus | Berenstain, Stan. | 0679892273 : 0679992278 (lib.) |
995 | The Berenstain Bears count their blessings | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780679877073 |
996 | The Berenstain Bears forget their manners | Berenstain, Stan, | 1590192311 |
997 | The Berenstain Bears get in a fight | Berenstain, Stan, | 1590192346 |
998 | The Berenstain Bears get the gimmies | Berenstain, Stan, | 1590192370 |
999 | The Berenstain Bears get the grouchies | Berenstain, Stan. | 1577192079 |
1000 | The Berenstain Bears get their kicks | Berenstain, Stan. | 0679889558 : 0679989552 (lib.) |
1001 | The Berenstain Bears get their kicks | Berenstain, Stan. | 0679889558 : 0679989552 (lib.) |
1002 | The Berenstain Bears give thanks | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780310712510 |
1003 | The Berenstain Bears go green | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780062075505 |
1004 | The Berenstain Bears go to school | Berenstain, Stan, | 1590192400 |
1005 | The Berenstain Bears God bless our country | Berenstain, Mike, | 9780310734857 |
1006 | The Berenstain Bears help the homeless | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780310721024 |
1007 | The Berenstain Bears learn about strangers | Berenstain, Stan, | 1590192435 |
1008 | The Berenstain Bears meet Santa Bear | Berenstain, Stan. | 0394868803 0394968808 (lib.) |
1009 | The Berenstain Bears out West | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780060583545 |
1010 | The Berenstain bears ready, get set, go! | Berenstain, Stan, | 039480564X (pbk.) : 0394905644 (lib. bdg.) : |
1011 | The Berenstain Bears ride the Thunderbolt | Berenstain, Stan, | 0679887180 |
1012 | The Berenstain Bears we like kites | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780679992318 (lib. ed.) 0679992316 (lib. ed.) 9780679892311 (pbk.) 0679892311 (pbk.) |
1013 | The Berenstain Bears' bedtime blessings | Berenstain, Mike, | 9780310749042 |
1014 | The Berenstain Bears' class trip | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780060574161 |
1015 | The Berenstain Bears' funny valentine | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780375811265 |
1016 | The Berenstain Bears' harvest festival | Berenstain, Mike, | 9780310748656 |
1017 | The Berenstain Bears' mad, mad, mad toy craze | Berenstain, Stan. | 0679989587 (lib.) 0679889582 : |
1018 | The Berenstain Bears' neighbor in need | Berenstain, Jan, | 9780310720980 |
1019 | The Berenstain bears' new baby | Berenstain, Stan, | 0394829085 : |
1020 | The Berenstain Bears' Night before Christmas | Berenstain, Mike, | 9780062075536 |
1021 | The Berenstain Bears' seashore treasure | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780060583415 |
1022 | The Berenstain Bears, faith gets us through | Berenstain, Stan, | 9780310725015 |
1023 | Berlioz the bear | Brett, Jan, | 0399222480 : |
1024 | Berlioz the bear | Brett, Jan, | 0399222480 : |
1025 | The Bermuda Triangle | Stone, Adam. | 1600144977 |
1026 | The Bermuda Triangle : strange happenings at sea | West, David. | 1404207953 |
1027 | Berries for Baby Elephant | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440871 |
1028 | The berry book | Gibbons, Gail. | 0823416976 (hardcover) : |
1029 | The best baker | Manushkin, Fran. | 9781515848134 |
1030 | The best Christmas pageant ever. | Robinson, Barbara. | |
1031 | Best dad in the sea | Tyler, Amy J. | 0736421319 |
1032 | The best fall of all | Godwin, Laura. | 9780689847134 (trade) 0689847130 (trade) 9780689847639 (pbk.) 0689847637 (pbk.) |
1033 | Best friend Emma | Warner, Sally, | 0142412171 |
1034 | Best friend, worst enemy | Lewis, Beverly, | 0764225006 |
1035 | Best friends | Kellogg, Steven. | 0803708297 0140546073 |
1036 | Best Friends | Martin, Ann M. | |
1037 | Best Friends | Martin, Ann M. | |
1038 | Best friends forever | DiCamillo, Kate. | 9780763670924 |
1039 | The best little monkeys in the world | Standiford, Natalie. | 039488616X (pbk.) : 0394986164 (lib. bdg.) : |
1040 | The best mouse cookie | Numeroff, Laura Joffe. | 9780061137600 (trade) 006113760X (trade) |
1041 | The best mouse cookie | Numeroff, Laura Joffe. | 9780061137600 (trade) 006113760X (trade) |
1042 | The best mouse cookie | Numeroff, Laura Joffe. | 9780061137600 (trade) 006113760X (trade) |
1043 | Best of all | Lucado, Max. | 9781581345018 |
1044 | The best pet of all | LaRochelle, David. | 9780525471295 (trade) 0525471294 (trade) |
1045 | The best pet of all | LaRochelle, David. | 9780525471295 (trade) 0525471294 (trade) |
1046 | The best way to play | Cosby, Bill, | 0590137565 0590956175 (pbk.) |
1047 | The best-laid plans of Jonah Twist | Honeycutt, Natalie. | 0027448509 : |
1048 | Bethany Hamilton : follow your dreams! | Sandler, Michael. | 9781597162708 (library binding) : |
1049 | Betsy and Billy | Haywood, Carolyn, | 015205104X |
1050 | Betsy and the boys | Haywood, Carolyn, | 0152051023 |
1051 | Betsy Ross | DeVillier, Christy, | 1591975166 : |
1052 | Betsy Ross | Mara, Wil. | 9780516253695 : |
1053 | Betsy Ross | Wallner, Alexandra. | 0823410714 |
1054 | Betsy Ross : designer of our flag | Weil, Ann, | 0020421206 |
1055 | Betty Bunny loves chocolate cake | Kaplan, Michael B. | 9780803734074 |
1056 | Beware of the bears! | MacDonald, Alan. | 1584310081 |
1057 | Beware of the blabbermouth! | Jones, Marcia Thornton. | 0439681200 |
1058 | Beware the Batman. | Manning, Matthew K. | 9781434297396 143429739X |
1059 | Beware! It's Friday the 13th | McMullan, Kate. | 1599611228 (lib. bdg.) : 0448435314 (pbk.) |
1060 | Beware! Space junk! | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9780545872454 |
1061 | Beware! we are poisonous! : how animals defend themselves | Dossenbach, Hans D. | 1567112153 (lib.) |
1062 | Beyond basketball | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496563439 |
1063 | Beyond Pluto : the final frontier in space | Landau, Elaine. | 0531147878 |
1064 | Beyond the heather hills | Wiley, Melissa. | 0064407152 |
1065 | Beyond the kingdoms | Colfer, Chris, | 9780316406871 |
1066 | Beyond the Valley of Thorns | Carman, Patrick. | 0439700949 |
1067 | Beyond the Valley of Thorns | Carman, Patrick. | 0439700949 |
1068 | The BFG | Dahl, Roald. | 9780142410387 : |
1069 | Bible stories for children | Horn | 0861630904 : |
1070 | Bible stories for children | Horn | 0861630904 : |
1071 | Bichons frises | Murray, Julie, | 157765921X : |
1072 | Bicycle Bear rides again | Muntean, Michaela. | 0836809645 |
1073 | A bicycle for Rosaura | Barbot, Daniel. | 0916291340 : |
1074 | The bicycle man | Say, Allen. | 0395506522 |
1075 | Bicycle mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807507083 |
1076 | Bicycles | Schaefer, Lola M. | |
1077 | Big adventure at home | Hope, Laura Lee. | 0448091348 : |
1078 | Big Al | Clements, Andrew, | 0689817223 |
1079 | Big Al | Clements, Andrew, | 0689817223 |
1080 | The big bad blackout | McDonald, Megan. | 9780763676650 |
1081 | Big Bad Bunny | Billingsley, Franny, | 1416906010 |
1082 | The big balloon race | Coerr, Eleanor. | 0060213523 : 0060213531 (lib. bdg.) : |
1083 | Big bear hug | Oldland, Nicholas, | 9781554534647 (hardcover) : |
1084 | Big Bear Little Bear | Bedford, David and Jane Chapman | |
1085 | Big blue whale | Davies, Nicola, | 156402895X |
1086 | Big boy | Mollel, Tololwa M. | 0395674034 : |
1087 | Big brown bear | McPhail, David. | 0152019995 |
1088 | Big brown bear | McPhail, David. | 0152019995 |
1089 | Big chickens | Helakoski, Leslie. | 0142410578 |
1090 | A big day for baseball | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 9781524713096 |
1091 | A big day for baseball | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 9781524713096 |
1092 | A big day for baseball | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 9781524713096 |
1093 | Big egg | Coxe, Molly. | 0679881263 |
1094 | Big friends | Sarah, Linda. | 9781627793308 |
1095 | The Big Fuzzy | Castle, Caroline. | 9781682970119 |
1096 | Big game hunting | Peterson, Judy Monroe. | 144882270X |
1097 | The big green pocketbook | Ransom, Candice F., | 0060208481 (trade) : 006020849X (lib. bdg.) 0064433951 |
1098 | Big moon tortilla | Cowley, Joy. | 159078037X |
1099 | A big mooncake for Little Star | Lin, Grace. | 9780316404488 |
1100 | The big nap : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye | Hale, Bruce. | 0152025219 0152024794 |
1101 | Big Nate : in a class by himself | Peirce, Lincoln. | 9780061944352 |
1102 | Big Nate on a roll | Peirce, Lincoln. | 9780061944390 |
1103 | Big Nate strikes again | Peirce, Lincoln. | 9780061944376 |
1104 | Big Nate. | Peirce, Lincoln. | 9781524855062 |
1105 | Big Nate. | Peirce, Lincoln. | 9781524860653 |
1106 | Big old bones : a dinosaur tale | Carrick, Carol. | 0899197345 : |
1107 | Big Pig on a dig | Cox, Phil Roxbee. | 0794515010 9780794515010 |
1108 | The big red blanket | Ziefert, Harriet. | 1402720912 |
1109 | The big snow | Hader, Berta. | 068971260X : |
1110 | The big snow | Hader, Berta. | 068971260X : |
1111 | The big snow | Hader, Berta. | 068971260X : |
1112 | Big Snow, The | Hader | |
1113 | The big storm | Hiscock, Bruce. | 0689317700 : |
1114 | The big storm | Hiscock, Bruce. | 0689317700 : |
1115 | The big tree | Hiscock, Bruce. | 0689315988 : |
1116 | The Big Wander | Hobbs, Will. | 0689317670 : |
1117 | The Big Wander | Hobbs, Will. | 0689317670 : |
1118 | The big wave | Buck, Pearl S. | 0064401715 |
1119 | The big, big wall | Howard, Reginald. | 0152048138 0152048537 (pbk.) |
1120 | Big-game hunting : bears, elk, and other large animals | MacRae, Sloan. | 1448813719 |
1121 | Big-league break | Freeman, Mark. | 0345359054 |
1122 | Bigfoot : a North American legend | DeMolay, Jack. | 1404234055 (lib.) 1404221581 (pbk.) |
1123 | The biggest snowman ever | Kroll, Steven. | 9780439627689 |
1124 | The biggest test in the universe | Poydar, Nancy. | 0823419444 |
1125 | Bighorn sheep | Macken, JoAnn Early, | 1433924927 |
1126 | Bigmama's | Crews, Donald. | 0688099505 : 0688099513 (lib. bdg.) |
1127 | The bike lesson, | Berenstain, Stan, | |
1128 | Bike rider : wheelies of justice | Lemke, Donald B. | 9781434218926 |
1129 | Bill and Pete | DePaola, Tomie, | 9780698114005 |
1130 | Bill and Pete go down the Nile | DePaola, Tomie, | 9780698114012 |
1131 | Bill and Pete to the rescue | DePaola, Tomie, | 9780698118843 |
1132 | The Bill of Rights | Hamilton, John, | 159197643X : |
1133 | Bill Pickett : rodeo ridin' cowboy | Pinkney, Andrea Davis. | 015200100X |
1134 | Billy and Belle | Garland, Sarah. | 0670843962 : |
1135 | Billy and the rebel : based on a true Civil War story | Hopkinson, Deborah. | 0689833962 |
1136 | Bink & Gollie | DiCamillo, Kate. | 9780763659547 |
1137 | Bips and roses | Citro, Asia. | 9781943147816 |
1138 | Bird | Murphy, Rita. | 9780385905572 (reinforced) 9780385730181 (hbk.) : |
1139 | Bird watch : a book of poetry | Yolen, Jane. | 039921612X : |
1140 | Bird's best friend | Jordan, Apple. | 0736425799 |
1141 | Bird-eating spiders | Gerholdt, James E., | 1562395076 |
1142 | Birds | Cooper, Jason. | 1571031928 |
1143 | Birds | Hansen, Ann Larkin. | 1562397796 |
1144 | Birds | Lantier-Sampon, Patricia, | 0836805410 |
1145 | Birds | Leaf, Christina. | 9781644873120 |
1146 | Birds Build Nests | Winer, Yvonne | |
1147 | Birthday at the Panda Palace | Calmenson, Stephanie. | 9780060526634 (trade) 0060526637 (trade) 9780060526641 (lib. ed.) 0060526645 (lib. ed.) |
1148 | The birthday car | Hillert, Margaret. | 1599530430 |
1149 | The birthday fish | Yaccarino, Dan. | 0805074937 |
1150 | A birthday for Bear | Becker, Bonny. | 9780763637460 (reinforced) : |
1151 | A birthday for Cow! | Thomas, Jan, | 0152060723 : |
1152 | A birthday for Danny's Bee | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440448 |
1153 | Biscuit | Capucilli, Alyssa. | 0064442128 |
1154 | Biscuit | Capucilli, Alyssa. | 0064442128 |
1155 | Biscuit and the baby | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 0060094613 |
1156 | Biscuit and the big parade! | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 9780062436146 |
1157 | Biscuit flies a kite | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 9780062237002 |
1158 | Biscuit Goes to School | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin | 9780060286224 (trade) 0060286229 (trade) 9780060286231 (lib. ed.) 0060286237 (lib. ed.) |
1159 | Biscuit Goes to School | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin | 9780060286224 (trade) 0060286229 (trade) 9780060286231 (lib. ed.) 0060286237 (lib. ed.) |
1160 | Biscuit goes to school | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 0064436160 |
1161 | Biscuit loves the park | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 9780062436177 |
1162 | Biscuit meets the class pet | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 0061177490 |
1163 | Biscuit visits the big city | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 9780060741648 (trade) 0060741643 (trade) 9780060741655 (lib. ed.) 0060741651 (lib. ed.) |
1164 | Biscuit wants to play | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 0060280697 |
1165 | Biscuit wins a prize | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 9780060094553 (trade) 0060094559 (trade) 9780060094577 (lib. ed.) 0060094575 (lib. ed.) |
1166 | Biscuit's new trick | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin. | 0060280670 0060280689 (lib.) 0064443086 (pbk.) |
1167 | Biscuit's snow day race | Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, | 9780062436207 |
1168 | Bitsy | Miles, Ellen. | 9781338211955 |
1169 | Bitty Fish | DeRubertis, Barbara. | 1575650029 0329082787 |
1170 | Bizarre insects | Anderson, Margaret Jean, | 0894906135 |
1171 | Black and white | Macaulay, David. | 0395521513 |
1172 | Black and white | Macaulay, David. | 0395521513 |
1173 | Black bear magic for kids | Fair, Jeff. | 083680760X |
1174 | Black bears | Feeney, Kathy. | 1559717424 : |
1175 | Black bears | Kallen, Stuart A., | 1562395904 |
1176 | Black bears | Macken, JoAnn Early, | 1433924781 |
1177 | Black Beauty | Sewell, Anna, | 9781402714528 : |
1178 | Black Elk : A Man with a Vision | Greene, Carol | |
1179 | Black Hawk helicopter | Holden, Henry M. | 0766015688 |
1180 | Black holes and supernovas | Galat, Joan Marie, | 142966004X |
1181 | Black mambas | Klein, Adam G., | 1596792787 (lib. bdg.) : |
1182 | Black mambas : sudden death! | White, Nancy, | 9781597167666 : |
1183 | Black Moon rising | MacHale, D. J. | 9781101932582 |
1184 | The black pearl | O'Dell, Scott, | 0547334001 |
1185 | The black rabbit | Leathers, Philippa. | 9780763688790 |
1186 | The black snowman | Mendez, Phil. | 0590448730 |
1187 | The black stallion | Farley, Walter, | 0679813438 |
1188 | Black water | MacHale, D. J. | 0689869118 |
1189 | The black widow | McGinty, Alice B. | 0823955656 (lib.) |
1190 | The black widow spider mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807555444 |
1191 | Black-footed ferrets : back from the brink | Aronin, Miriam. | 9781597165068 (library binding) : |
1192 | The Blackfeet | Press, Petra. | 0756500788 (lib.) |
1193 | Blackout | Rocco, John. | 9781423121909 1423121902 |
1194 | Blades of freedom | Hale, Nathan, | 9781419746918 |
1195 | Blaze and the forest fire | Anderson, C. W. | |
1196 | Blaze and the mountain lion ... | Anderson, C. W. | |
1197 | Blaze shows the way. | Anderson, C. W. | |
1198 | The Blazing Star | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062063595 |
1199 | The blessing cup | Polacco, Patricia. | 9781442450479 |
1200 | BLINKY RULES : Arthur Chapter Book | ||
1201 | Blizzard | Rocco, John, | 9781423178651 1423178653 |
1202 | Blizzard of the blue moon | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 9780375830389 |
1203 | Blizzard! | Ball, Jacqueline A. | 1597160067 (lib. bdg.) : |
1204 | Blizzard! | Maddox, Jake. | 1434212068 |
1205 | Blizzard's wake | Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. | 0689852215 |
1206 | Blizzard, The | Wright, Betty Ren | |
1207 | Blizzards | Otfinoski, Steve. | 080503093X |
1208 | The Blobfish book | Olien, Jessica. | 9780062394156 |
1209 | Block and rock | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496549426 |
1210 | Block city | Stevenson, Robert Louis, | |
1211 | Blood on the river : James Town 1607 | Carbone, Elisa Lynn. | 0142409324 |
1212 | Bloodhound | Murray, Julie, | 1577659201 : |
1213 | Bloodsucking leeches | Neuman, Pearl. | 9781597167550 (library binding) : |
1214 | Bloom | Cronin, Doreen. | 9781442406209 |
1215 | Blow me a kiss, Miss Lilly | Carlstrom, Nancy White. | 0060210125 : 0060210133 (lib. bdg.) : |
1216 | Blow! : Jesus calms the storm : Matthew 8:23-27 | Courtney, Claudia. | 0570050936 |
1217 | Blown away | Dixon, Franklin W. | 1416911731 |
1218 | Blubber | Blume, Judy. | 0689849745 |
1219 | BLUE BAY MYSTERY | Warmer | |
1220 | Blue Bay mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807507938 |
1221 | Blue Bay mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807507938 |
1222 | A blue butterfly : a story about Claude Monet | Le Tord, Bijou. | 0385311028 |
1223 | The blue cow | Hutchens, Paul, | 0802470343 |
1224 | Blue hat, green hat | Boynton, Sandra. | 9780671493202 |
1225 | Blue line breakaway | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496563170 |
1227 | Blue sky, butterfly | Van Leeuwen, Jean. | 0803719728 : |
1228 | The blue sword | McKinley, Robin. | 9780441068807 |
1229 | Blue whale : the world's biggest mammal | Smith, Molly, | 9781597163859 (library bdg.) : |
1230 | Blue whales | Prevost, John F. | 1562394754 |
1231 | Blue-ringed octopus : small but deadly | Lunis, Natalie. | 9781597169448 (library binding) : |
1232 | Blueberries for Sal | McCloskey, Robert, | 0670175919 |
1233 | Blueberries for Sal | McCloskey, Robert, | 0670175919 |
1234 | Bluecrowne | Milford, Kate. | 9780358097549 |
1235 | BMX bravery | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496526304 |
1236 | BMX bully | Maddox, Jake. | 9781598890594 |
1237 | BMX challenge | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434229861 |
1238 | Bo and the dragon-pup | Elliott, Rebecca. | 9781338323382 |
1239 | Bo the brave | Elliott, Rebecca. | 9781338323429 |
1240 | Bo's magical new friend | Elliott, Rebecca. | 9781338323320 |
1241 | Boa constrictors | Sexton, Colleen A., | 9781600143144 |
1242 | Board battle | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434259752 |
1243 | Board rebel | Maddox, Jake. | 9781598893199 |
1244 | Boardwalk bust | Dixon, Franklin W. | 1416900047 |
1245 | Boats | Schaefer, Lola M. | |
1246 | Boats and ships | Cooper, Jason, | 0865924929 |
1247 | Bob, not Bob! | Scanlon, Elizabeth Garton. | 9781484723029 |
1248 | The Bobbsey twins of Lakeport | Hope, Laura Lee. | 0448090716 |
1249 | The Bobbsey twins on a houseboat | Hope, Laura Lee. | 0448090996 : |
1250 | Bobby's zoo | Lunn, Carolyn. | 0516020897 |
1251 | Bogeymen don't play football | Dadey, Debbie. | 0590257013 |
1252 | Bollywood burglary | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9781338087758 |
1253 | Bombay cats | Murray, Julie, | 1577658620 : |
1254 | The bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 | Tarshis, Lauren. | 0545206987 |
1255 | Bone. | Smith, Jeff, | 0439706335 |
1256 | Bones : the skeletal system | Houghton, Gillian. | 140423473X (lib.) 1404221824 (pbk.) |
1257 | Bones and the math test mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780670062621 (lib. ed.) 0670062626 (lib. ed.) |
1258 | Bonfire masquerade | Keene, Carolyn. | 1442403284 |
1259 | Bonita | Miles, Ellen, | 9780545857253 0545857252 9781518215858 1518215858 9780606391436 0606391436 1484492765 9781484492765 |
1260 | Bonk! goes the ball | Stevens, Philippa J. | 0516020617 |
1261 | Bonk! goes the ball | Stevens, Philippa J. | 0516020617 |
1262 | The Booford summer | Smith, Susan Mathias. | 0395665906 : |
1263 | A book about design : complicated doesn't make it good | Gonyea, Mark. | 0805075755 (hc : alk. paper) : |
1264 | The book of bad ideas | Huliska-Beith, Laura. | 1588246264 |
1265 | The book of Boy | Murdock, Catherine Gilbert. | 9780062686206 |
1266 | The book of candle making : creating scent, beauty & light | Larkin, Chris. | 0806906766 |
1267 | The book of Ga-Huel | Hamilton, Richard. | 9781534417137 |
1268 | The book of North American owls | Sattler, Helen Roney. | 0395605245 |
1269 | Book Scavenger | Bertman, Jennifer Chambliss. | 9781250079800 |
1270 | Books do not have wings | Barnes, Brynne, | 9781585369645 |
1271 | Bookstore cat | Wheeler, Cindy. | 0394841093 (trade) : 0394941098 (lib. bdg.) |
1272 | Boomer | Miles, Ellen, | 9780545726443 0545726441 9780606377768 060637776X |
1273 | Boomtowns | Shapley, Robert W. | |
1274 | Bootsie Barker bites | Bottner, Barbara. | 9780698114272 |
1275 | Boris and Bea | Callen, Sharon. | 1480716987 |
1276 | Boris on the move | Joyner, Andrew. | 054548443X |
1277 | The Borrowers | Norton, Mary. | 0152047379 |
1278 | Boss for a day | De Paola, Tomie. | 9780448425443 : |
1279 | The Boston Tea Party | Stein, R. Conrad. | 9780516262857 : (pbk.) : |
1280 | Bottlenose dolphins | Prevost, John F. | 1562394932 |
1281 | Boundless Grace | Hoffman, Mary, | 9780140556674 |
1282 | Bow hunting | Frazel, Ellen. | 9781600148897 |
1283 | Bow hunting | Hemstock, Annie Wendt. | 9781477767160 |
1284 | Bow wow | Doudna, Kelly. | 159197450X |
1285 | Bowhunting for fun! | Gunderson, Jessica. | 0756538645 |
1286 | Bowhunting for kids | Howard, Melanie A. | 1429684240 |
1287 | A box can be many things | Rau, Dana Meachen, | 0516261533 |
1288 | A box can be many things | Rau, Dana Meachen, | 0516261533 |
1289 | Box jellyfish : killer tentacles | Lunis, Natalie. | 9781597169455 (library binding) : |
1290 | The boxcar children | Warner, Gertrude Chandler. | 0807508519 |
1291 | The boxcar children | Warner, Gertrude Chandler. | 0807508519 |
1292 | The boxcar children | Warner, Gertrude Chandler. | 0807508519 |
1293 | The boxcar children summer special | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807508853 |
1294 | The boxcar children winter special | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807508861 |
1295 | The boy & the book : [a wordless story] | Slater, David Michael. | 9781580895620 |
1296 | A boy and a jaguar | Rabinowitz, Alan, | 9780547875071 |
1297 | The boy and the giants | Moodie, Fiona. | 0374309272 |
1298 | The Boy and the Goats | Hillert | |
1299 | The boy and the goats | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655927 |
1300 | The boy and the ocean | Lucado, Max. | 9781433539312 |
1301 | A boy called Bat | Arnold, Elana K. | 9780062445834 |
1302 | A boy called Slow : the true story of Sitting Bull | Bruchac, Joseph, | 069811616X |
1303 | The boy in the drawer | Munsch, Robert N. | 0920236367 |
1304 | Boy Soup or When Giant Caught Cold | Lesynski | |
1305 | The boy who burped too much | Nickel, Scott. | 9781598890372 |
1306 | The boy who cried wolf | Hennessy, B. G. | 0689874332 |
1307 | The boy who drew birds : a story of John James Audubon | Davies, Jacqueline, | 0618243437 (hardcover) : |
1308 | The boy who harnessed the wind | Kamkwamba, William, | 9780147510426 |
1309 | The boy who invented TV : the story of Philo Farnsworth | Krull, Kathleen. | 9780375945618 (reinforced) 9780375845611 (hardcover : alk. paper) : |
1310 | The boy who lived with the seals | Martin, Rafe. | 0399224130 |
1311 | The boy who swallowed snakes | Yep, Laurence. | 0590461680 |
1312 | The boy who wouldn't share | Reiss, Mike. | 9780060591328 (trade) 0060591323 (trade) 9780060591335 (lib. ed.) 0060591331 (lib. ed.) |
1313 | Boy, Bird, and Dog | McPhail, David, | 0823426394 |
1314 | Boy, can he dance! | Spinelli, Eileen. | 0027863506 |
1315 | Boy, were we wrong about the solar system! | Kudlinski, Kathleen V. | 0525469796 |
1316 | Boy-crazy Stacey | Martin, Ann M., | 0836813219 (lib. bdg.) |
1317 | The boyhood diary of Charles Lindbergh, 1913-1916 : early adventures of the famous aviator | Lindbergh, Charles. | 0736806008 |
1318 | The boyhood diary of Theodore Roosevelt, 1869-1870 : early travels of the 26th U.S. President | Roosevelt, Theodore. | 0736806016 |
1319 | The boys in the boat : the true story of an American team's epic journey to win gold at the 1936 Olympics | Mone, Gregory. | 9780147516855 |
1320 | The boys' war : Confederate and Union soldiers talk about the Civil War | Murphy, Jim, | 0899198937 : |
1321 | The bracelet | Uchida, Yoshiko. | 039922503X : |
1322 | Brachiosaurus | Riehecky, Janet | |
1323 | Bradley fighting vehicles | Hamilton, John, | 1617830747 |
1324 | Branches of government | Hamilton, John, | 1591976448 : |
1325 | Brand-new page | Davis, Tony, | 038573803X |
1326 | Brave : big bear, little bear | Amerikaner, Susan. | 0736429158 |
1327 | Brave Irene | Steig, William, | 0374309477 : |
1328 | Brave like my brother | Nobleman, Marc Tyler. | 9780545880350 |
1329 | The brave little bunny | Jennings, Linda. | 0525453644 |
1330 | The brave little seamstress | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 1416916202 |
1331 | Bravo, Tanya | Ichikawa, Satomi. | 039922145X : |
1332 | Bread and honey | Asch, Frank. | 0836808800 |
1333 | Bread is for eating | Gershator, David. | 0805031731 |
1334 | Breaking free | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439130247 |
1335 | Breaking free | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439130247 |
1336 | Breath : the respiratory system | Houghton, Gillian. | 1404234713 (lib.) 1404221808 (pbk.) |
1337 | The breathtaking mystery on Mount Everest : the top of the world | Marsh, Carole. | 0635068303 |
1338 | Brer Rabbit and Boss Lion | Kessler, Brad. | 068980606X |
1339 | Brian McBride : soccer star | Mattern, Joanne, | 158415389X |
1340 | Brian's Winter | Paulsen | |
1341 | The bride of Frankenstein doesn't bake cookies | Dadey, Debbie. | 0439044006 : |
1342 | Bridge to Terabithia | Paterson, Katherine. | 0690013590 |
1343 | Bridge to Terabithia | Paterson, Katherine. | 0690013590 |
1344 | Bright Eyes and the buffalo hunt | Hughes, Laura, | 0933849575 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper) |
1345 | Bright lights and shadowy shapes | Waters, Jennifer. | 0756502276 |
1346 | Bright star shining : poems for Christmas | 0802851770 | |
1347 | A brighter garden : poetry | Dickinson, Emily, | 0399214909 : |
1348 | The brightest night | Sutherland, Tui, | 9780545349277 |
1349 | Bring us water, Molly Pitcher! : a fun song about the Battle of Monmouth | Dahl, Michael. | 1404801308 |
1350 | Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain : a Nandi tale | Aardema, Verna. | 0803709048 0803708092 : 0803708076 (lib. bdg.) : |
1351 | Brisingr, or, The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular | Paolini, Christopher. | 9780375826726 |
1352 | Brittany Spaniels | Murray, Julie, | 1577659228 : |
1353 | Broken Days | Rinaldi, Ann | |
1354 | Broken pride | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062642035 |
1355 | The bronze bow. | Speare, Elizabeth George. | |
1356 | The bronze pen | Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. | 1416942017 (hardcover) : 9781416942016 (hardcover) : |
1357 | The bronze pen | Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. | 1416942017 (hardcover) : 9781416942016 (hardcover) : |
1358 | Brookfield days | Henson, Heather. | 0064420868 |
1359 | Brooklyn doesn't rhyme | Blos, Joan W. | 0684196948 : |
1360 | Brother eagle, sister sky : a message from Chief Seattle | Seattle, | 0803709692 : 0803709633 (lib. bdg.) |
1362 | Brother to the wind | Walter, Mildred Pitts. | 0688038115 0688038123 (lib. bdg.) |
1363 | Brother to the wind | Walter, Mildred Pitts. | 0688038115 0688038123 (lib. bdg.) |
1364 | Brothers in hope : the story of the lost boys of Sudan | Williams, Mary, | 1584302321 |
1365 | Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? | Martin, Bill, | 9781627797214 |
1366 | Brown recluse spiders | Miller, Jake. | 0823967077 (lib.) |
1367 | Brunhilda's backwards day | Tenney, Shawna J. C. | 9781634506915 |
1368 | Bubba and Beau meet the relatives | Appelt, Kathi, | 0152166300 : |
1369 | Bubble trouble | Hulme, Joy N. | 0516215841 (lib.) 0516264737 (pbk.) |
1370 | Bubbles and Boo | Miles, Ellen, | 1338069004 9781338069006 1518232256 9781518232251 |
1371 | Bud, not Buddy | Curtis, Christopher Paul. | 0385323069 |
1372 | The Buddha's diamonds | Marsden, Carolyn. | 0763633801 (reinforced) : 9780763633806 (reinforced) : |
1373 | Buddy : The First Seeing Eye Dog | Moore | |
1374 | Buffalo | Lepthien, Emilie U. | 0516011618(lib. bdg.) |
1375 | Buffalo before breakfast | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679890645 067999064X (lib.) |
1376 | Buffalo before breakfast | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679890645 067999064X (lib.) |
1377 | Buffalo before breakfast | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679890645 067999064X (lib.) |
1378 | Buffalo before breakfast | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679890645 067999064X (lib.) |
1379 | Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express | Coerr, Eleanor. | 0060233737 |
1380 | Buffalo dance : a Blackfoot legend | Van Laan, Nancy. | 0316897280 : |
1381 | Buffy's Revenge | Sargent, David M. Jr. | |
1382 | Bug jokes | Moore, Hugh, | 159197870X : |
1383 | Bug race! | Meister, Cari. | 1404847464 (lib.) |
1384 | Bug-a-licious | Goldish, Meish. | 9781597167574 : |
1385 | Buggly Bear's hiccup cure | Kelley, True. | 0836809823 |
1386 | Bugs | Hughes, Monica. | 1597161497 (library binding) : |
1387 | Bugs | Parker, Nancy Winslow. | 0688082963 |
1388 | Bugs are insects | Rockwell, Anne. | 0060285680 0060285699 (lib.) 0064452034 (pbk.) |
1389 | Bugs! | McKissack | |
1390 | Building greenscrapers | Stern, Steven L. | 9781597169622 : |
1391 | Building sets of ten | Berry, Minta. | 1427196486 |
1392 | Bulb to tulip | Koestler-Grack, Rachel A., | 9781644871379 |
1393 | Bull snakes | Frazel, Ellen. | 9781600146138 |
1394 | Bulldogs | Meister, Cari. | 1577654765 : |
1395 | Bulldozers | Brady, Peter, | 1560653515 |
1396 | Bulldozers | Leaf, Christina. | 9781644873199 |
1397 | Bully | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780399257049 |
1398 | The bully from the Black Lagoon | Thaler, Mike, | 0545065216 |
1399 | Bully trouble | Cole, Joanna. | 0394849493 (pbk.) : 0394949498 (lib. bdg.) : |
1400 | Bumblebee bats | Wheeler, Jill C., | 1596793201 (lib. bdg.) : |
1401 | Bundle of trouble : a Rebecca mystery | Reiss, Kathryn. | 1593697546 |
1402 | Bunnicula : a rabbit-tale of mystery | Howe, Deborah. | 9781416928171 (pbk.) : |
1403 | Bunnicula meets Edgar Allan Crow | Howe, James, | 1416914730 |
1404 | Bunnies | Doudna, Kelly. | 1577651847 |
1405 | Bunnies | Elora, Grace. | 1433945045 |
1406 | Bunnies in the Bathroom | Baglio, Ben M. | |
1407 | Bunny bungalow | Rylant, Cynthia. | 0152163166 |
1408 | Bunny cakes | Wells, Rosemary. | 9780140566673 |
1409 | Bunny double, we're in trouble! | Gutman, Dan. | 0062284002 |
1410 | The bunny hop | Slater, Teddy. | 0590453548 : |
1411 | Bunny party | Wells, Rosemary. | 0670035017 |
1412 | The bunny who found Easter | Zolotow, Charlotte. | 0395862655 0618111271 (pbk.) |
1413 | The Bunyans | Wood, Audrey. | 0590480898 |
1414 | The burglar's breakfast | Everett, Felicity. | 0881108367 |
1415 | Buried Moon | Hodges, Margaret. | 0316367931 (lib. bdg.) : |
1416 | Burmese cats | Murray, Julie, | 1577658655 : |
1417 | Burned | Dixon, Franklin W. | 141690008X |
1418 | The burning bridge | Flanagan, John | 0142408425 |
1419 | The burning maze | Riordan, Rick. | 9781484746431 |
1420 | Bus station mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807509752 |
1421 | Buster and the dance contest | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 031600118X |
1422 | Buster and the great swamp | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001252 |
1423 | Buster Baxter, cat saver | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316121118 : 0316122203 (pbk.) |
1424 | Buster changes his luck | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001295 |
1425 | Buster climbs the walls | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001260 |
1426 | Buster hits the trail | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 031600121X |
1427 | Buster hunts for dinosaurs | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001279 |
1428 | Buster on the town | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001074 |
1429 | Buster plays along | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001090 |
1430 | Buster's dino dilemma | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316115592 0316115606 (pbk.) |
1431 | Buster's new friend | Krensky, Stephen. | 0316122122 : 0316123072 (pbk.) |
1432 | Buster's sugartime | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316001287 |
1433 | The busy body book : a kid's guide to fitness | Rockwell, Lizzy. | 0375822038 |
1434 | The Busy World of Richard Scarry : Mr. Fixit's Magnet Machine | Herman | 0689816243 |
1435 | But, excuse me, that is my book | Child, Lauren. | 0803730969 (reinforced) : |
1436 | The butter battle book | Seuss, | 9780394965802 |
1437 | Butterflies : pollinators and nectar-sippers | Richardson, Adele, | 0736808248 (hardcover) |
1438 | Butterflies and Moths | Claybourne, Anna | |
1439 | Butterflies Fly | Winer, Yvonne | |
1440 | The butterfly | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780142413067 |
1441 | Butterfly battle | White, Nancy, | 0439429366 |
1442 | Butterfly colors | Frost, Helen, | 0736802266 |
1443 | Butterfly eggs | Frost, Helen, | 0736802274 |
1444 | The butterfly house | Bunting, Eve, | 0590848844 |
1445 | A butterfly is patient | Aston, Dianna Hutts. | 9781607533535 |
1446 | Button soup | Orgel, Doris. | 0553090453 (hardcover) : 0553373412 (pbk.) |
1447 | Button up! : wrinkled rhymes | Schertle, Alice. | 0152050507 |
1448 | Buzz Beaker and the cave creatures | Meister, Cari. | 9781434220608 |
1449 | Buzz Beaker and the putt-putt contest | Meister, Cari. | 9781434220622 |
1450 | Buzz Beaker and the speed secret | Meister, Cari. | 9781434220615 |
1451 | Buzz Boy and Fly Guy | Arnold, Tedd. | 9780545222747 |
1452 | Buzz Boy and Fly Guy | Arnold, Tedd. | 9780545222747 |
1453 | By the dawn's early light : the story of the Star-spangled banner | Kroll, Steven. | 0590450557 |
1454 | By the shores of Silver Lake | Wilder, Laura Ingalls, | 1557361762 : |
1455 | By the shores of Silver Lake | Wilder, Laura Ingalls, | 1557361762 : |
1456 | C.L.O.U.D.S : CLOUDS | CUMMINGS, PAT | |
1457 | C.R. Mudgeon | Muir, Leslie. | 9781416979067 |
1458 | Caboose mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807510092 (pbk) : |
1459 | Caboose mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807510092 (pbk) : |
1460 | Caboose mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807510092 (pbk) : |
1461 | Caddie Woodlawn | Brink, Carol Ryrie, | 0689815212 |
1462 | The cafeteria lady from the Black Lagoon | Thaler, Mike, | 0590504932 |
1463 | Caimans | Dollar, Sam. | 073983357X |
1464 | Cakes and miracles : a Purim tale | Goldin, Barbara Diamond. | 067083047X : |
1465 | Cakes and miracles : a Purim tale | Goldin, Barbara Diamond. | 067083047X : |
1466 | Calamity Jane | Krensky, Stephen. | 9781575058863 1575058863 |
1467 | Calculator riddles | Adler, David A. | 0823411869 |
1468 | Calico bush | Field, Rachel, | 0689822855 |
1469 | Calico cats | Furstinger, Nancy. | 1596792655 (lib. bdg.) : |
1470 | California | De Capua, Sarah. | 0516274929 (pbk.) 0516226673 (lib.) |
1471 | California condors : saved by captive breeding | Goldish, Meish. | 9781597167413 (library binding) : |
1472 | California Gold Rush cooking | Schroeder, Lisa Golden. | 0736806032 |
1473 | The California wildfires, 2018 | Tarshis, Lauren. | 9781338317442 |
1474 | Call it courage | Sperry, Armstrong, | |
1475 | The call of the wild | Ho, Oliver. | 140271274X : |
1476 | The call of the wild | London, Jack, | 0806127570 |
1477 | The call of the wild | London, Jack, | 1577656822 (lib. bdg.) : |
1478 | Callie cat, ice skater | Spinelli, Eileen. | 9781621278726 (physical bk.) 9781489614216 (ebk. single-user) 9781489614223 (ebk. multi-user) |
1479 | Calvin Coconut : The Zippy Fix | Salisbury, Graham | |
1480 | Calvin Coconut : trouble magnet | Salisbury, Graham. | 9780385906395 (reinforced) 9780385737012 (hardcover) : |
1481 | Calvin Coolidge | Joseph, Paul, | 1577652371 |
1482 | Cam Jansen and the barking treasure mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780670885169 (trade) 0670885169 (trade) |
1483 | Cam Jansen and the catnapping mystery | Adler, David A. | 0141308974 |
1484 | Cam Jansen and the first day of school mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780670035755 (trade) 0670035750 (trade) |
1485 | Cam Jansen and the ghostly mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780670868728 (trade) 0670868728 (trade) |
1486 | Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Monster Movie | Adler | |
1487 | Cam Jansen and the snowy day mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780670059225 (trade) 0670059226 (trade) |
1488 | Cam Jansen and the Valentine baby mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780670060092 (trade) 0670060097 (trade) |
1489 | Cam Jansen and the Valentine baby mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780670060092 (trade) 0670060097 (trade) |
1490 | Cam Jansen, the chocolate fudge mystery | Adler, David A. | 9780142402115 (pbk.) 0142402117 (pbk.) |
1491 | Cam's quest : the continuing story of Princess Nevermore and the wizard's apprentice | Regan, Dian Curtis. | 1581960565 (hardcover) : 9781581960563 (hardcover) : |
1492 | Cameron and Camille | Kassel, Amber | |
1493 | Camping | Green, Sara, | 9781600147944 |
1494 | Camping | Klein, Adam G., | 1599289571 |
1495 | Camping | Morey, Allan. | 9781607537960 |
1496 | Camping | Snyder, Adeline. | 9781433970887 |
1497 | Camping out | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440626 |
1498 | The camping trip that changed America : Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, and our National Parks | Rosenstock, Barbara. | 9780803737105 |
1499 | Can adults become human? : by Jamie Kelly | Benton, Jim. | 0439796210 |
1500 | Can adults become human? : by Jamie Kelly | Benton, Jim. | 0439796210 |
1501 | Can I play too? | Willems, Mo. | 1423119916 |
1502 | Can it Rain Cats and Dogs? | Berger, Melvin and Gilda | |
1503 | Can it rain cats and dogs? : questions and answers about weather | Berger, Melvin. | 9780439085731 : |
1504 | Can you count to a googol? | Wells, Robert E. | 0807592668 |
1506 | Can't you make them behave, King George? | Fritz, Jean. | 0698114027 |
1507 | Can't you sleep, Little Bear? | Waddell, Martin. | 156402007X |
1508 | Canada | Dahl, Michael. | 1560655658 |
1509 | Canada | Marx, David F. | 0516270834 |
1510 | Canada | Meister, Cari. | 157765028X |
1511 | Canada | Rogers, Barbara Radcliffe. | 0516210769 |
1512 | Canada : the culture | Kalman, Bobbie, | 0778793605 |
1513 | Canada : the land | Kalman, Bobbie, | 0778793583 |
1514 | Canada in pictures | Braun, Eric, | 0822546795 |
1515 | The canary caper | Roy, Ron. | 0679885935 067998593X (lib.) |
1516 | Candlelight for Rebecca | Greene, Jacqueline Dembar. | 159369525X |
1517 | The candy factory mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler, | 0807555010 |
1518 | Candy, 1 to 20 | Wolf, Laurie Goldrich. | 1452110050 |
1519 | Cannonball Chris | Marzollo, Jean. | 0394885120 (pbk.) : 0394985125 (lib. bdg.) : |
1520 | A canoe trip | Kalman, Bobbie, | 0865056196 (lib. bdg.) 0865057192 (pbk.) |
1521 | Canoeing | Doeden, Matt. | 9781607537977 |
1522 | Canoeing | Green, Sara, | 9781600147951 |
1523 | Canyon echoes | Jenkins, Jerry B. | 1414301472 |
1524 | The caper of the crown jewels : England | Hunt, Elizabeth Singer. | 1602860130 |
1525 | Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business | Slobodkina, Esphyr. | 020109147X 0060257784 (lib.) 0064431436 (pbk.) |
1526 | Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business | Slobodkina, Esphyr. | 020109147X 0060257784 (lib.) 0064431436 (pbk.) |
1527 | Caps for sale : a tale of a peddler, some monkeys and their monkey business | Slobodkina, Esphyr. | 020109147X 0060257784 (lib.) 0064431436 (pbk.) |
1528 | Captain Arsenio Inventions and (Mis) Adventures in Flight | Bernasconi, Pablo | |
1529 | Captain Cat | Hoff, Syd. | 0064441768 |
1530 | Captain Underpants and the tyrannical retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000 : the eleventh epic novel | Pilkey, Dav, | 9780545504904 0545504902 9781743625989 1743625987 9781760151553 1760151556 0605830096 9780605830097 9781480668560 1480668567 9780606362641 0606362649 9781484437742 1484437748 9789351035466 9351035468 |
1531 | Captains courageous | Kipling, Rudyard, | 1577656830 (lib. bdg.) : |
1532 | The Capture | Lasky. Kathryn | |
1533 | Car goes far | Garland, Michael, | 0823430588 |
1534 | Caravan | McKay, Lawrence, | 9781600603464 |
1535 | Cardinals | Gerholdt, James E., | 1562395858 |
1536 | The Caribbean cruise caper | Dixon, Franklin W. | 067102549X |
1537 | Caribou | Patrick, Roman. | 1433938960 |
1538 | A Caribou journey | Miller, Debbie S. | 0316573809 : |
1539 | Caring counts | Bender, Marie, | 1577658698 : |
1540 | Caring for your iguana | Simon, Elizabeth, | 1590362152 |
1541 | Carly's angels : swamp sting! | Hoena, B. A. | 9781434229601 |
1542 | Carmine : a little more red | Sweet, Melissa. | 0618387943 |
1543 | Carnival at candlelight | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0375930337 |
1544 | Carnivores : meat-eating mammals | 1615303855 | |
1545 | The carnivorous carnival | Snicket, Lemony. | 0064410129 |
1546 | Caroline & her sister | Wilkes, Maria D. | 0060281553 (lib.) 0064420922 (pbk.) |
1547 | Caroline & her sister | Wilkes, Maria D. | 0060281553 (lib.) 0064420922 (pbk.) |
1548 | The carousel | Rosenberg, Liz. | 0152008535 : |
1549 | The carp in the bathtub | Cohen, Barbara. | 0930494679 |
1550 | The carp in the bathtub | Cohen, Barbara. | 0930494679 |
1551 | The carpenter's gift : a Christmas tale about the Rockefeller Center tree | Rubel, David. | 9780375869228 |
1553 | Carving a totem pole | Jensen, Vickie, | 0805037543 (acid-free paper) |
1554 | The case of Hermie the missing hamster | Preller, James. | 0590691252 |
1555 | The case of the burrowing robot | Erickson, John R., | 0670036323 |
1556 | The case of the burrowing robot | Erickson, John R., | 0670036323 |
1557 | The case of the car-barkaholic dog | Erickson, John R., | 014130393X |
1558 | The case of the cat's meow | Bonsall, Crosby Newell, | 0064440176 |
1559 | The case of the cat's meow | Bonsall, Crosby Newell, | 0064440176 |
1560 | The case of the crybaby cowboy | Marsh, Carole. | 063506166X |
1561 | The case of the deadly ha-ha game | Erickson, John R., | 0670896403 |
1562 | The case of the double bumblebee sting | Erickson, John R., | 0670884294 |
1563 | The case of the fiddle-playing fox | Erickson, John R., | 0141303883 |
1564 | The case of the haystack kitties | Erickson, John R. | 0877193282 0877193274 (pbk.) |
1565 | The case of the haystack kitties | Erickson, John R., | 0670884375 |
1566 | The case of the hunchback hairdresser | Marsh, Carole. | 0635061694 |
1567 | The case of the hungry stranger | Bonsall, Crosby Newell, | 0064440265 |
1568 | The case of the library monster | Butler, Dori Hillestad. | 0807509361 |
1569 | The case of the missing cat | Erickson, John R., | 0141303913 |
1570 | The case of the mixed-up mutts | Butler, Dori Hillestad. | 0807509337 |
1571 | The case of the night-stalking bone monster | Erickson, John R., | 0141304030 |
1572 | The case of the raging Rottweiler | Erickson, John R. | 0141306688 |
1573 | The case of the Saddle House robbery | Erickson, John R. | 0141306785 |
1574 | The case of the school ghost | Butler, Dori Hillestad. | 080750937X |
1575 | The case of the shipwrecked tree | Erickson, John R. | 067003603X 0142302252 (pbk.) |
1576 | The case of the twisted kitty | Erickson, John R. | 0142400416 (pbk.) 0670036811 |
1577 | The case of the vampire vacuum sweeper | Erickson, John R. | 087719324X 0877193231 (pbk.) |
1578 | Casebook : the Bermuda Triangle | Fontes, Justine. | 1607545926 |
1579 | Casebook : the Loch Ness Monster | Fontes, Justine. | 1607546027 |
1580 | Casey at the bat | Thayer, Ernest Lawrence. | 0689319452 |
1581 | Casey Jones | Krensky, Stephen. | 0822564769 |
1582 | Casey Jones | Krensky, Stephen. | 9781575058900 1575058901 |
1583 | Casey Jones | York, Carol Beach. | 0893752983 0893752975 (pbk.) |
1584 | Casey Wooster's pet care service | Nichols, Janet. | 0689318790 |
1585 | Cassidy the costume fairy | Meadows, Daisy. | 0545433916 |
1586 | Cassie's word quilt | Ringgold, Faith. | 9780375812002 (trade) 0375812008 (trade) 9780375912009 (lib. ed.) 0375912002 (lib. ed.) 9780553112337 (pbk.) 0553112333 (pbk.) |
1587 | The castle conundrum | Dixon, Franklin W. | 0743406834 |
1588 | Castle Dracula : Romania's vampire home | Knox, Barbara. | 1597160008 (lib. bdg) : |
1589 | The castle in the attic | Winthrop, Elizabeth. | 9780440409410 |
1590 | Cat + fish = catfish | Rondeau, Amanda, | 1591974321 |
1591 | A cat and a dog | Masurel, Claire. | 0735817804 |
1592 | Cat and mouse in a haunted house | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9780439559652 |
1593 | Cat at bat | Schade, Susan. | 0307262111 (pbk.) 0307462110 |
1594 | The cat ate my gymsuit | Danziger, Paula, | 9780142402504 : |
1595 | Cat commander | Bright, J. E. | 9781434240880 (library binding) 9781434242143 (pbk.) |
1597 | The cat in the hat | Seuss, | 9780394900018 |
1598 | The cat in the hat | Seuss, | 9780394900018 |
1599 | The cat in the hat comes back! | Seuss, | 9780394900025 |
1600 | Cat on ice | Schade, Susan. | 0307262138 (pbk.) : 0307462137 |
1601 | Cat tails | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1596799277 (lib. bdg.) : 1596799285 (pbk.) |
1602 | Cat traps | Coxe, Molly. | 0679864415 (pbk.) 067996441X |
1603 | Cat traps | Coxe, Molly. | 0679864415 (pbk.) 067996441X |
1604 | The cat wants to play | Coulton, Mia. | 162544091X |
1605 | Catcher with a glass arm | Christopher, Matt. | 0316139858 |
1606 | The catcher's mask | Christopher, Matt. | 0316141860 |
1607 | Catching confidence | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496559159 |
1608 | Caterflies and ice | Citro, Asia. | 9781943147359 |
1609 | Caterina, the clever farm girl : a tale from Italy | Peterson, Julienne. | 0803711816 (trade) 0803711824 (library) |
1610 | Caterpillar to butterfly | Marsh, Laura F. | 1426309201 |
1611 | Caterpillar to butterfly | Owen, Oliver S. | 1562392905 |
1612 | Caterpillars to butterflies | Kalman, Bobbie. | 0778788989 |
1613 | Catfish fishing | Cohen, Robert Z. | 1448846056 |
1614 | Catherine : the great journey | Gregory, Kristiana. | 0439253853 |
1615 | Catherine Called Birdy | Cushman, Karen | 0064405842 |
1616 | Catherine Marshall's Story Bible | Marshall, Catherine, | 0380699613 |
1617 | The catlady | King-Smith, Dick. | 0375829857 (trade) : |
1618 | Cats | Frost, Helen, | 0736806555 |
1619 | Cats | Hansen, Ann Larkin. | 156239780X 9781562397807 |
1620 | Cats | Leaf, Christina. | 9781644873137 |
1621 | Cats have kittens | Dolbear, Emily J. | 0756500591 |
1622 | Cats in the city | Watson, Tom, | 9780062411020 |
1623 | Cats in the city | Watson, Tom, | 9780062411020 |
1624 | Cats like to hide | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440952 |
1625 | Cats sleep anywhere : a poem | Farjeon, Eleanor, | 0397324642 (lib. bdg.) : 0397324634 |
1626 | Cats! | Brimner, Larry Dane. | 0516270753 |
1627 | Cattle | Hansen, Ann Larkin. | 156239603X |
1628 | Caught | Haddix, Margaret Peterson. | 9781416989820 (hardcover : alk. paper) 9781442422889 (eBook) |
1629 | Caught stealing | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496504937 |
1630 | Cavalier King Charles Spaniels | Meister, Cari. | 1577654757 : |
1631 | Cave of Wonders | Kirby, Matthew J. | |
1632 | Caves and caverns | Gibbons, Gail. | 0152268200 : |
1633 | Caving | Green, Sara, | 9781626170841 |
1634 | Caving | Sisk, Maeve T. | 9781433970924 |
1635 | Cc | Doudna, Kelly, | 1577653963 |
1636 | Celebrate America : in poetry and art | 1562826654 | |
1637 | Celebrating birthdays in Australia | Enderlein, Cheryl L. | 1560657596 |
1638 | Celebrating Veteran's Day | Landou | |
1639 | The Celestial Globe | Rutkoski, Marie. | 1250027322 |
1640 | Cells | Spilsbury, Richard, | 1432986104 |
1641 | Center court sting | Christopher, Matt. | 0316142050 |
1642 | Centerfield ballhawk | Christopher, Matt. | 0316140791 : |
1643 | Centerfield ballhawk | Christopher, Matt. | 0316142727 |
1644 | Cesar Chavez : we can do it! | Apte, Sunita. | 1597160733 (hbk.) : |
1645 | Cesky terriers | Petrie, Kristin, | 1624031013 |
1646 | Chachaji's cup | Krishnaswami, Uma, | 0892391782 |
1647 | Chains | Anderson, Laurie Halse. | 9781416905868 |
1648 | A chair for my mother | Williams, Vera B. | 0688040748 0688009158 (lib. bdg.) : 068800914X : |
1649 | Challenge at second base | Christopher, Matt. | 0316142492 |
1650 | Challenge on the hill of fire | Hering, Marianne. | 1589976940 |
1651 | The Challenger Space Shuttle explosion | Caper, William. | 9781597163675 (library binding) : |
1652 | The chameleon wore chartreuse : from the tattered casebook of Chet Gecko, private eye | Hale, Bruce. | 0152022813 0152024859 |
1653 | Chameleon, chameleon | Cowley, Joy. | 0439666538 |
1654 | Champ | Miles, Ellen, | 9780545857277 0545857279 9780606391382 060639138X 9781518227783 1518227783 |
1655 | Changes for Addy : a winter story | Porter, Connie Rose. | 156247085X |
1656 | Changes for Addy : a winter story | Porter, Connie Rose. | 156247085X |
1657 | Changes for Addy : a winter story | Porter, Connie Rose. | 156247085X |
1658 | Changes for Felicity : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie, | 1562470388 |
1659 | Changes for Felicity : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie, | 1562470388 |
1660 | Changes for Josefina : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie. | 1562475924 : 1562475916 (pbk.) |
1661 | Changes for Josefina : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie. | 1562475924 : 1562475916 (pbk.) |
1662 | Changes for Kaya : a story of courage, 1764 | Shaw, Janet Beeler. | 1584854340 1584854332 (pbk.) |
1663 | Changes for Kirsten : a winter story | Shaw, Janet Beeler, | 0937295450 (pbk.) |
1664 | Changes for Kirsten : a winter story | Shaw, Janet Beeler, | 0937295450 (pbk.) |
1665 | Changes for Kit : a winter story, 1934 | Tripp, Valerie. | 1584850272 1584850264 (pbk.) |
1666 | Changes for Kit : a winter story, 1934 | Tripp, Valerie. | 1584850272 1584850264 (pbk.) |
1667 | Changes for Molly : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie. | 0937295493 |
1668 | Changes for Molly : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie. | 0937295493 |
1669 | Changes for Rebecca | Greene, Jacqueline Dembar. | 1593695314 |
1670 | Changes for Samantha : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie, | 0937295469 : 0937295477 (pbk.) : |
1671 | Changes for Samantha : a winter story | Tripp, Valerie, | 0937295469 : 0937295477 (pbk.) : |
1672 | Changing shape | Bennett, Paul, | 1568472056 (lib. bdg.) |
1673 | Chanticleer and the fox. | Chaucer, Geoffrey, | |
1674 | Charles Schulz | Woods, Mae. | 9781577654254 |
1675 | Charlie and the great glass elevator : the further adventures of Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka, chocolate-maker extraordinary | Dahl, Roald. | 014032870X |
1676 | Charlie Anderson | Abercrombie, Barbara. | 0689504861 |
1677 | Charlie goes to school | Drummond, Ree. | 0062219200 |
1678 | Charlie Joe Jackson's guide to extra credit | Greenwald, Tom. | 1596436921 |
1679 | Charlie Joe Jackson's guide to not reading | Greenwald, Tom. | 1596436913 |
1680 | Charlie Joe Jackson's guide to summer vacation | Greenwald, Tom. | 1626720312 |
1681 | Charlie the ranch dog : where's the bacon? | Drummond, Ree. | 0062219081 |
1682 | Charlie's raven | George, Jean Craighead, | 0525472193 (hardcover) : |
1683 | Charlie's snow day | Drummond, Ree. | 0062219111 |
1684 | Charlotte's web | White, E. B. | 0064400557 |
1685 | Charlotte's web | White, E. B. | 0745103049 |
1686 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1687 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1688 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1689 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1690 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1691 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1692 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1693 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1694 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1695 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1696 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1697 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1698 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1699 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1700 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1701 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1702 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1703 | Charlotte's Web | White, E.B. | |
1704 | Chase | Haas, Jessie | |
1705 | Check, please! | Stern, A. J. | 0448453525 |
1706 | Cheer captain | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434225511 |
1707 | Cheer challenge | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434204684 |
1708 | Cheer challenge | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434204684 |
1709 | Cheer choice | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434241436 |
1710 | Cheer essentials : uniforms and equipment | Jones, Jen, | 0736843604 |
1711 | Cheer spirit : revving up the crowd | Jones, Jen, | 0736843620 |
1712 | Cheer squad : building spirit and getting along | Jones, Jen, | 0736843639 |
1713 | Cheer team trouble | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496563446 |
1714 | The cheese experiment | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9780545872522 |
1715 | A cheese-colored camper | Geronimo Stilton | 0439691397 |
1716 | Cheetahs | Pohl, Kathleen. | 0836882253 |
1717 | Cheetahs | Welsbacher, Anne, | 1577650875 : |
1718 | Cheetahs : spotted speedsters | Sullivan, Jody. | 0736813934 |
1719 | The Cherokee | Santella, Andrew. | 0516222163 (lib.) 0516273159 (pbk.) |
1720 | Cherokee, The | Press, Petra | |
1721 | Cherries and cherry pits | Williams, Vera B. | 0688051456 0688051464 (lib. bdg.) |
1722 | Chester | Hoff, Syd. | 0064440958 |
1723 | Chester Arthur | Joseph, Paul, | 1577652363 |
1724 | Chester's way | Henkes, Kevin. | 0688154727 |
1725 | Chester, the out-of-work dog | Singer, Marilyn. | 080501828X (alk. paper) : |
1726 | The chewing gum book | Young, Robert, | 0875184014 |
1727 | Chewy and Chica | Miles, Ellen. | 0545200245 (pbk.) 9780545200240 (pbk.) 9780606146678 (Turtleback) 0606146679 (Turtleback) |
1728 | Chewy Louie | Schneider, Howie, | 0873587650 |
1729 | The Cheyenne | Press, Petra. | 0756501865 |
1730 | Cheyenne again | Bunting, Eve, | 0395703646 |
1731 | Cheyenne again | Bunting, Eve, | 0395703646 |
1732 | The chicken pox panic | Lewis, Beverly, | 9781556616266 |
1733 | The Chicken sisters | Numeroff, Laura Joffe. | 0064435202 |
1734 | Chicken soup, boots | Kalman, Maira. | 0670852015 |
1735 | Chicken Sunday | Polacco, Patricia. | 0399221336 : |
1736 | Chickens | Bell, Rachael, | 1575725304 (lib. bdg.) |
1737 | Chickens | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440960 |
1738 | Chickens | Hansen, Ann Larkin. | 1562396021 |
1739 | The chickens and the fox | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440928 |
1740 | Chickens have chicks | Stone, Lynn M. | 0756500001 |
1741 | Chihuahua : senor tiny | Lunis, Natalie. | 9781597167437 : |
1742 | Child of the owl | Yep, Laurence. | 006440336X |
1743 | A child's Alaska | Murphy, Claire Rudolf. | 0882404571 |
1744 | A child's garden of verses | Stevenson, Robert Louis, | 0329957457 |
1745 | A child's garden of verses : poems | Stevenson, Robert Louis, | 1595723005 |
1746 | Children from Australia to Zimbabwe : a photographic journey around the world | Ajmera, Maya. | 1570914788 |
1747 | The children of Lir | MacGill-Callahan, Sheila. | 0803711220 |
1748 | Children of long ago : poems | Little, Lessie Jones. | 0399214739 (lib. bdg.) : |
1749 | The children of Nepal | Pitkñen, Matti A. | |
1750 | The children of the king | Lucado, Max. | 9781433540912 |
1751 | The children of the lost | Dixon, Franklin W. | 1442402628 |
1752 | Children of the river | Crew, Linda. | 0440210224 |
1753 | A Children's Book of Verse | ||
1754 | Chill of the ice dragon | West, Tracey, | 9781338169867 1338169866 9781338169874 1338169874 9780780408609 0780408608 9781536431940 153643194X 9780876179741 087617974X |
1755 | The chilly little penguin | Punter, Russell. | 0794524249 |
1756 | Chimpanzees | Fetty, Margaret. | 1597161594 (library binding) : |
1757 | Chimpanzees | Woods, Mae. | 1562395971 |
1758 | Chimpanzees : living in communities | Shores, Erika L. | 0736826130 |
1759 | Chimpanzees for tea! | Empson, Jo. | 9781101996218 |
1760 | China | Deedrick, Tami. | 0739841505 |
1761 | Chinese giant salamander : the world's biggest amphibian | Squire, Ann. | 9781597163866 (library binding) : |
1762 | The Chinese mirror | Ginsburg, Mirra. | 0152004203 0152175083 (pbk.) |
1763 | Chinese river dolphins | Petrie, Kristin, | 1596793015 (lib. bdg.) : |
1764 | Chipmunks | Leaf, Christina. | 9781644873069 |
1765 | Chipmunks | Sebastian, Emily. | 1448850584 |
1766 | Chita's Christmas tree | Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald. | 0689717393 : |
1767 | Chita's Christmas tree | Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald. | 0689717393 : |
1768 | Chloe, instead | Player, Micah. | 1452113009 |
1769 | Choco-Louie | Kindley, Jeff. | 0836816188 |
1770 | The chocolate chase | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9781338159158 |
1771 | The chocolate-covered-cookie tantrum | Blumenthal, Deborah. | 0395686997 0395700280 (pbk.) |
1772 | The Choctaw | Sherrow, Victoria. | 0866256024 |
1773 | Choose! : the story of Ruth : Ruth 1:1-4:12 | Courtney, Claudia. | 0570070031 |
1774 | Chopsticks | Rosenthal, Amy Krouse. | 9781423107965 |
1775 | Christina Katerina and the time she quit the family | Gauch, Patricia Lee. | 069811762X |
1776 | Christmas at Long Pond | George, William T. | 0688147313 (pbk.) |
1777 | The Christmas bird | Watts, Bernadette. | 1558586032 1558586040 |
1778 | Christmas in Camelot | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 037581373X 0375913734 (lib.) |
1779 | Christmas in Camelot | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 037581373X 0375913734 (lib.) |
1780 | Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the Quarters | McKissack, Patricia and Fredrick | |
1781 | Christmas in the Big Woods : adapted from the Little house books by Laura Ingalls Wilder | 0060247525 | |
1782 | Christmas is coming! | Ziefert, Harriet. | 1402742967 |
1783 | Christmas mice! | Roberts, Bethany. | 9780395912041 (trade) 0395912040 (trade) 9780618486014 (pbk.) 0618486011 (pbk.) |
1784 | A Christmas spider's miracle | Noble, Trinka Hakes. | 1585366021 |
1785 | Christmas stories | Vurnakes, Claudia. | 1596792388 (lib. bdg.) : |
1786 | The Christmas story for children | Lucado, Max. | 9780310735984 |
1787 | The Christmas story from the King James Version | Brent, Isabelle. | 0803707304 |
1788 | Christmas tapestry | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780142411650 |
1789 | The Christmas toy factory. | Geronimo Stilton | 0439841186 |
1790 | Christmas tree farm | Purmell, Ann. | 0823418863 (reinforced) : |
1791 | Christmas trolls | Brett, Jan, | 0698118464 9780698118461 0399225072 9780399225079 |
1792 | The Christmas witch | Kellogg, Steven. | 0803712685 (trade) 0803712693 (library) |
1793 | Christmas with Teddy Bear | McQuade, Jacqueline. | 0803720750 |
1794 | Christopher Columbus | Leavitt, Amie Jane. | 9781584155782 |
1795 | Christopher, Please Clean Up Your Room! | Sadu, Itah | |
1796 | Chrysanthemum | Henkes, Kevin. | 0688096999 9780688096991 0688097006 9780688097004 1579820859 9781579820855 0688147321 9780688147327 9780780488380 0780488385 |
1797 | The Chumash | Sonneborn, Liz. | 9780822559122 0822559129 |
1798 | Cinder Edna | Jackson, Ellen B. | 0688123236 |
1799 | Cinderella : the graphic novel | Bracken, Beth. | 1434207641 |
1800 | Cinderella at the ball | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655323 |
1801 | Cinderella at the ball | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655323 |
1802 | Cinderella; : or, The little glass slipper. | Perrault, Charles, | |
1803 | Cinderella; : or, The little glass slipper. | Perrault, Charles, | |
1804 | CInders : A Chicken Cinderella | Brett, Jan | |
1805 | Cinnabar and the Island of Shadows | Sweet, J. H. | 1402211619 |
1806 | Circle | Barnett, Mac. | 9780763696085 |
1807 | Circle dogs | Henkes, Kevin. | 0064437574 |
1808 | The circulatory story | Corcoran, Mary K. | 9781607341802 |
1809 | The circulatory system | Frost, Helen, | 0736806482 |
1810 | Circus fish | Coulton, Mia. | 1625441045 |
1811 | Circus fun | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655110 |
1812 | City fun | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655714 |
1813 | City fun | Hillert, Margaret. | 159953147X |
1814 | City in the clouds | Abbott, Tony. | 0590108425 |
1815 | The city of Ember. | DuPrau, Jeanne. | 9780375822742 |
1816 | The City of Ember. | DuPrau, Jeanne. | 9780375828256 |
1817 | The city of Ember. | DuPrau, Jeanne. | 9780375855726 |
1818 | Civil War on Sunday | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 067989067X |
1819 | Civil War on Sunday | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 067989067X |
1820 | Civil War on Sunday | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 067989067X |
1821 | Civil War on Sunday | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 067989067X |
1822 | Ck | Molter, Carey, | 1577654471 |
1823 | Clara and Asha | Rohmann, Eric. | 1596430311 |
1824 | Clara and Clem in outer space | Long, Ethan. | 0448467216 |
1825 | Clara and Davie : the true story of Young Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross | Polacco, Patricia. | 9780545354776 |
1826 | Clara Barton | Mara, Wil. | 0516273396 : |
1827 | Clara Barton : Angel of the Battlefield | Rae Bains | |
1828 | Clara Barton : founder of the American Red Cross | Stevenson, Augusta. | 0020418205 |
1829 | Clara Barton : I want to help! | Dubowski, Cathy East. | 159716075X (hbk.) : |
1830 | Clara joins the circus | Pellowski, Michael. | 083680998X |
1831 | Clara joins the circus | Pellowski, Michael. | 083680998X |
1832 | Clarice Bean spells trouble | Child, Lauren. | 0763628131 (reinforced : alk. paper) : |
1833 | Clarice Bean, guess who's babysitting? | Child, Lauren. | 0763647977 |
1834 | Clarissa | Talley, Carol. | 1559420146 |
1835 | Class trip | Mayer, Mercer, | 1577688457 |
1836 | The class trip from the Black Lagoon | Thaler, Mike, | 0439429277 |
1837 | Class trip to the Cave of Doom | McMullan, Kate. | 1599611236 (lib. bdg.) : 0448415941 (pbk.) 0448418711 (gb) |
1838 | Class trip to the haunted house | Jones, Marcia Thornton. | 0439678099 |
1839 | Classes are CANCELED! | Chabert, Jack, | 9781338181807 1338181807 9781338181838 1338181831 9781536427530 1536427535 9780606406697 0606406697 |
1840 | The classic treasury of children's poetry | 0762401869 | |
1841 | The classic treasury of silly poetry | 1561384860 | |
1842 | Claude Monet : sunshine and waterlilies | Kelley, True. | 9780448425221 |
1843 | Claudia and mean Janine | Martin, Ann M., | 0942545788 (lib. bdg. : lg. print) : |
1844 | Claudia and the bad joke | Martin, Ann M., | 0590606719 0590415832 |
1845 | Claudia and the great search | Martin, Ann M., | 0590424955 0590731904 |
1846 | Claudia and the New Girl | Martin, Ann M. | 0590437216 |
1847 | Claws! | Stine, R. L. | 9780545289337 |
1848 | Clementine's Letter | Pennypacker | |
1849 | Cleopatra | Platt, Christine A., | 9781532136412 |
1850 | Cleopatra VII : Daughter of the Nile | Kristiana Gregory | 0590819755 |
1851 | Clever Ali | Farmer, Nancy, | 0439370140 (hardcover) : |
1852 | CLICK | Eas Mitchell | |
1853 | Click, clack, moo : cows that type | Cronin, Doreen. | 9781481465403 |
1854 | Click, clack, quackity-quack : an alphabetical adventure | Cronin, Doreen. | 9780689877155 (trade) 0689877153 (trade) |
1855 | Click, clack, splish, splash : a counting adventure | Cronin, Doreen. | 0689877161 |
1856 | Cliff-hanger : a mystery in Mesa Verde National Park | Skurzynski, Gloria. | 1426300921 |
1857 | Clifford and the big parade | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590108115 (pbk.) : |
1858 | Clifford at the circus | Bridwell, Norman. | 9780590442930 : |
1859 | Clifford goes to Washington | Bridwell, Norman. | 9780439696562 : |
1860 | Clifford's Christmas | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590442880 |
1861 | Clifford's family | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590442902 |
1862 | Clifford's first autumn | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590341308 : |
1863 | Clifford's first autumn | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590341308 : |
1864 | Clifford's happy Easter | Bridwell, Norman. | 059047782X |
1865 | Clifford's kitten | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590442805 |
1866 | Clifford's kitten | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590442805 |
1867 | Clifford's manners | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590442856 |
1868 | Clifford's puppy days | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590442627 |
1869 | Clifford's riddles | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590442821 |
1870 | Clifford's Thanksgiving visit | Bridwell, Norman. | 0590469878 (pbk.) : |
1871 | Clifford's valentines | Bridwell, Norman. | 0439183006 |
1872 | Clifford, the big red dog | Bridwell, Norman. | 059044297X |
1873 | Clifford, the big red dog | Bridwell, Norman. | 059044297X |
1874 | Clifford, we love you | Bridwell, Norman. | 9780590438438 : |
1875 | Climate change | Orme, Helen. | 9781597167239 (lib. bdg.) : |
1876 | Climate maps | Mahaney, Ian F. | 1404230580 (lib.) 1404222146 (pbk.) |
1877 | The climb | Korman, Gordon. | 0545392330 |
1878 | CLIMBING : Outdoor Adventures | David Armentrout | |
1879 | Climbing Kansas mountains | Shannon, George. | 0027821811 : |
1880 | Climbing Kansas mountains | Shannon, George. | 0027821811 : |
1881 | Climbing strong | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496575241 |
1882 | Clippers and whaling ships | McNeese, Tim. | 0896867358 |
1883 | The Clockwork Three | Kirby, Matthew J. | |
1884 | Clothing creations : from t-shirts to flip-flops | Ball, Jacqueline A. | 1597161284 (library binding) : |
1885 | Cloudy day, sunny day | Crews, Donald. | 0152048502 |
1886 | Cloudy with a chance of meatballs | Barrett, Judi. | 0689707495 (pbk.) : |
1887 | Clown around | Rau, Dana Meachen, | 0756550254 |
1888 | The clue in the crossword cipher | Keene, Carolyn. | 0448095440 |
1889 | The clue in the crumbling wall | Keene, Carolyn. | 044809522X 0448195224 (lib. bdg.) |
1890 | The clue in the jewel box | Keene, Carolyn. | 0448095203 |
1891 | The clue in the old album | Keene, Carolyn. | 0448095246 |
1892 | The clue of the tapping heels | Keene, Carolyn. | 0448095165 |
1893 | Clues in the attic | Meister, Cari. | 1434218899 |
1894 | The clumsy crocodile | Everett, Felicity. | 0881107433 |
1895 | Clydesdale horses | Gammie, Janet L. | 156239441X |
1896 | Coaches | Bagley, Katie. | 0736808078 |
1897 | A Coal Miner's Bride : The Diary of Anetka Kaminska | Bartoletti | 0439053862 |
1898 | Cobi Jones : soccer star | Kirkpatrick, Rob. | 0823955400 |
1899 | Cobras | Sexton, Colleen A., | 9781600143151 |
1900 | Cobweb weavers | Miller, Jake. | 0823967085 (lib.) |
1901 | The cock, the mouse, and the little red hen | Cauley, Lorinda Bryan. | 0399207406 : |
1902 | Cock-a-doodle Dudley | Peet, Bill. | 0395553318 : |
1903 | Cocker spaniels | Kallen, Stuart A., | 1562394525 |
1904 | Cockroaches | Rustad, Martha E. H. | 0736816658 |
1905 | Coco and Cavendish : fire dogs | Sierra, Judy. | 0375822380 (pbk.) : 0375922385 (lib.) |
1906 | Cocoa | Miles, Ellen. | 9780545348355 |
1907 | Cocoa bean to chocolate | Koestler-Grack, Rachel A., | 9781644871386 |
1908 | Code of honor | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062642073 |
1909 | Code Talker : a novel about the Navajo Marines of World War Two | Bruchac, Joseph, | 0803729219 |
1910 | Cold Day, A | Schaefer, Lola M. | |
1911 | Collies | Kallen, Stuart A., | 1562395734 |
1912 | Collision course | Korman, Gordon. | 0545123321 |
1913 | The colonial caper : mystery at Williamsburg | Marsh, Carole. | 0635068265 |
1914 | Colony kids : adventures of the first year in Alaska | Lehe, Heather Cooper. | 1594332657 |
1915 | Color Me Dark : The Diary of Nellie Lee Love, The Great Migration North | McKissack | 0590511599 |
1916 | A color of his own | Lionni, Leo, | 0679887857 |
1917 | Color zoo | Ehlert, Lois. | 0397322607 |
1918 | Colorful days. | 9780789497987 (lib. ed.) 0789497980 (lib. ed.) 9780789497994 (pbk.) 0789497999 (pbk.) |
1919 | Colors and the number 1 | Sargent, Daina. | 1593810318 |
1920 | Colors and the number 2 | Sargent, Daina. | 1593810326 1593810334 (pbk.) |
1921 | Colors and the number 3 | Sargent, Daina. | 1593810342 1593810350 (pbk.) |
1922 | Colors of Australia | Olawsky, Lynn Ainsworth, | 0876148844 |
1923 | Columbus Day | Liestman, Vicki. | 087614444X : |
1924 | Combat | Yomtov, Nelson. | 9781626174337 |
1925 | Combat-wounded dogs | Apte, Sunita. | 9781597168649 (library binding) : |
1926 | Come a tide | Lyon, George Ella, | 0531058549 : 053108454X (lib. bdg.) |
1927 | Come along, Daisy! | Simmons, Jane. | 0316797901 |
1928 | Come here, Tiger! | Moran, Alex. | 0152162186 0152162259 (pbk.) |
1929 | Come home with me! | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1591974658 |
1930 | Come on, rain! | Hesse, Karen. | 0590331256 |
1931 | Come play with me | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655366 |
1932 | Come play with me | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813655366 |
1933 | Come to my party | Richardson, Judith Bent, | 0027761479 |
1934 | Come to my party | Richardson, Judith Bent, | 0027761479 |
1935 | Come to my party | Richardson, Judith Bent, | 0027761479 |
1936 | Come to the castle! : a visit to a castle in thirteenth-century England | Ashman, Linda. | 1596431555 |
1937 | Come what may | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439130263 |
1938 | Comeback catcher | Braun, Eric, | 9781496537003 |
1939 | Comeback of the home run kid | Peters, Stephanie True, | 0316059870 |
1940 | Comet's nine lives | Brett, Jan, | 9780698118942 : |
1941 | Comets | Vogt, Gregory. | 0736811192 |
1942 | Comets and Meteors : Solar System | Lynda, Sorensen | |
1943 | Comic con artist | Dixon, Franklin W. | 1416954988 |
1944 | Coming home | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439130204 |
1945 | Coming home | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439130204 |
1946 | Coming home : from the life of Langston Hughes | Cooper, Floyd. | 0399226826: |
1947 | Coming on home soon | Woodson, Jacqueline. | 0399237488 (reinforced) : |
1948 | The coming storm | Kidd, Rob. | 1599615231 |
1949 | Comma | Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth, | 1577656202 |
1950 | Common adders | Klein, Adam G., | 1596792795 (lib. bdg.) : |
1951 | Common dolphins | Prevost, John F. | 1562394967 |
1952 | Communication inventions : from hieroglyphics to DVDs | Ball, Jacqueline A. | 1597161292 (library binding) : |
1953 | Communities | Saunders-Smith, Gail. | 1560654945 |
1954 | Communities | Trumbauer, Lisa, | 0736807446 |
1955 | Compare with bears | Mineo, Kate. | 1433956594 |
1956 | Comparing fractions | Berry, Minta. | 142719646X |
1958 | The completed hickory dickory dock | Aylesworth, Jim. | 9780689718625 |
1959 | Compton's Encyclopedia | Compton's | 0944262317 |
1960 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1961 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1962 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1963 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1964 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1965 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1966 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1967 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1968 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1969 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1970 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1971 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1972 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1973 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1974 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1975 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1976 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1977 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1978 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1979 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1980 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1981 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1982 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1983 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1984 | Compton's Encyclopedia : 26 volumes | Compton's | |
1985 | Computer clues | Delton, Judy. | 0440413397 |
1986 | Conditioning for soccer | Luxbacher, Joe. | 1570281467 |
1987 | Condoleezza Rice | McKenzie, Precious, | 1621692779 |
1988 | Condoleezza Rice | McKenzie, Precious, | 162169416X |
1989 | Condoleezza Rice : a memoir of my extraordinary, ordinary family and me | Rice, Condoleezza, | 0385738803 |
1990 | Condor's egg | London, Jonathan. | 0811802604 |
1991 | Confectionately Yours : Taking the Cake | Papademetriou, Lisa | |
1992 | Confessions from the principal's kid | Mellom, Robin. | 9780544813793 |
1993 | The Connecticut colony | Italia, Bob, | 1577655869 : |
1994 | Conquering carbs | Petrie, Kristin, | 1591974011 |
1995 | Consideration | Raatma, Lucia | |
1996 | Constellations | Goldsworthy, Steve. | 1616906375 |
1997 | Constellations | Vogt, Gregory. | 0736813829 |
1998 | The Constitution | Hamilton, John, | 1591976456 : |
1999 | Construction workers | Deedrick, Tami. | 1560657294 |
2000 | Construction zone | Hudson, Cheryl Willis. | 0763626848 (reinforced) : |
2001 | Contain the flame : outdoor fire safety | Donahue, Jill L. | 1404848207 |
2002 | The continents | Waters, Jennifer. | 0756503787 |
2003 | The cook and the king | Brusca, Maria Cristina. | 0805023550 |
2004 | Cook-A-Doodle-Doo! | Stevens, Janet | |
2005 | Cookies for Danny | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440707 |
2006 | Cooking on nineteenth-century whaling ships | Draper, Charla L. | 0736806024 |
2007 | Cool beaded jewelry | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591977398 |
2008 | Cool clay projects | Scheunemann, Pam, | 1591977401 |
2009 | Cool melt & pour soap | Wagner, Lisa, | 159197741X |
2010 | Cool painted stuff | Wagner, Lisa, | 1591977428 |
2011 | Cool rubber stamp art | Price, Pamela S. | 1591977436 |
2012 | Cool scrapbooks | Price, Pamela S. | 1591977444 |
2013 | Cool snowboarders | Sandler, Michael, | 9781597169493 (library binding) : |
2014 | Cool zone with the Pain and the Great One | Blume, Judy. | 0385903251 |
2015 | Cooperation | Raatma, Lucia | |
2016 | The copper king : an orphan train story | Muldoon, Kathleen M. | 0756913462 |
2017 | Copperheads | Feldman, Heather. | 0823967212 (lib.) |
2018 | Copperheads | Sexton, Colleen A., | 9781600144530 |
2019 | Copy Me, Copycub | Edwards, Richard | |
2020 | The copycat mystery | Warner, Gertrude Chandler. | 0807512966 0807512974 |
2021 | The coral reef : a giant city under the sea | Person, Stephen. | 9781597168694 (library binding) : |
2022 | Coral snakes | Klein, Adam G., | 1596792809 (lib. bdg.) : |
2023 | Coral snakes | Sexton, Colleen A., | 9781600143168 |
2024 | Corduroy | Freeman, Don. | 0140501738 |
2025 | Coretta Scott King : first lady of civil rights | Stanley, George Edward. | 1416968008 |
2026 | Cork & Fuzz | Chaconas, Dori, | 0670036021 |
2027 | Cork & Fuzz : good sports | Chaconas, Dori, | 067006145X (reinforced) : 9780670061457 (reinforced) : |
2028 | Cork & Fuzz : short and tall | Chaconas, Dori, | 0670059854 (reinforced) : |
2029 | The Corn Raid : a story of the Jamestown Settlement | Collier, James Lincoln. | 0769634303 : |
2030 | Cornish Rex cats | Murray, Julie, | 1577658639 : |
2031 | Cosmic blackout! | O'Ryan, Ray. | 9781481499897 |
2032 | Cotton to T-shirt | Koestler-Grack, Rachel A., | 9781644871393 |
2033 | Cougars | Hamilton, John, | 1617830755 |
2034 | Cougars | Macken, JoAnn Early, | 1433924943 |
2035 | Cougars | Randall, Henry, | 1448826179 |
2036 | Could it be? | Oppenheim, Joanne. | 0836817702 (lib.) |
2037 | Count on Pablo | DeRubertis, Barbara. | 9781575650906 |
2038 | Count your way through Africa | Haskins, James, | 0876145144 |
2039 | Count! | Fleming, Denise, | 0805015957 |
2040 | The counterfeit constitution mystery | Marsh, Carole. | 0635065126 : |
2041 | Counterfeit Constitution Mystery | Marsh, Carole. | 0635065177 : |
2042 | Counterterrorism | Yomtov, Nelson. | 9781626174344 |
2043 | Counting by threes | Sarfatti, Esther. | 1600446647 |
2044 | Counting by twos | Sarfatti, Esther. | 1600446655 |
2045 | Counting lions | Zubek, Adeline. | 1433956640 |
2046 | Country Bear's good neighbor | Brimner, Larry Dane. | 053108308X (lib. bdg.) |
2047 | Country fair | Mayer, Mercer. | 1577686330 1577688279 (pbk.) |
2048 | Courage on ice | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496584700 |
2049 | Courtney the clownfish fairy | Meadows, Daisy. | 054527043X |
2050 | Covered wagons, bumpy trails | Kay, Verla. | 0399229280 |
2051 | The cow buzzed | Zimmerman, Andrea Griffing. | 0060208082 : 0060208090 (lib. bdg.) |
2052 | The cow that got her wish | Hillert, Margaret. | 0813656214 |
2053 | Cowboy bunnies | Loomis, Christine. | 0698118316 |
2054 | Cowboy country | Scott, Ann Herbert. | 0395575613 |
2055 | Cowboy country | Scott, Ann Herbert. | 0395575613 |
2056 | Cowboy Roy | Dubowski, Cathy East. | 0448415682 |
2057 | Cowboy up | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434229892 |
2058 | Cowboy up! | Brimner, Larry Dane. | 0516264753 |
2059 | Cowboys | Rounds, Glen, | 0823408671 : |
2060 | Cowgirl grit | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496558473 |
2061 | Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa | Silverman, Erica | |
2062 | Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa : Horse in the House | Silverman, Erica | |
2063 | Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa : partners | Silverman, Erica. | 0152021256 (hardcover) : |
2064 | Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa : school days | Silverman, Erica. | 0152053786 (reinforced) : 9780152053789 (reinforced) : |
2065 | Cowlick! | Ditchfield, Christin. | 9780375835407 (trade) 0375835407 (trade) |
2066 | Cows | Coulton, Mia. | 1625441002 |
2067 | Coyote autumn | Wallace, Bill, | 9780743428361 |
2068 | Coyote places the stars | Taylor, Harriet Peck. | 0027888452 : |
2069 | Coyote steals the blanket : an Ute tale | Stevens, Janet. | 0823409961 |
2070 | Coyote Walks on Two Legs : Book of Navajo Myths and Legends | Hausman | |
2071 | Coyotes | Macken, JoAnn Early, | 143392448X |
2072 | Coyotes | McDonald, Amy, | 9781644874738 |
2073 | Cozy | Brett, Jan, | 9780593109793 |
2074 | Crab spiders | Wheeler, Jill C., | 1596792922 (lib. bdg.) : |
2075 | Crabs | Zobel, Derek, | 9781644873717 |
2076 | Crafts for everyday life | 156294097X | |
2077 | Crafty Chameleon | Mwenye Hadithi. | 0316337234 (lib. bdg.) : 0316337714 |
2078 | Crafty garden spiders | White, Nancy, | 9781597167031 (library binding) : |
2079 | The crane wife. | Yagawa, Sumiko. | |
2080 | Cranes | McDonald, Amy, | 9781644873687 |
2081 | Cranes, dump trucks, bulldozers and other building machines | Jennings, Terry J. | 1856978664 |
2082 | Crash at Cannibal Valley | Jenkins, Jerry B. | 0310713471 |
2083 | Crawling crabs | Lunis, Natalie. | 9781597165099 (lib. bdg.) : |
2084 | The crayon man : the true story of the invention of Crayola crayons | Biebow, Natascha. | 9781328866844 |
2085 | Crazy creatures of Australia and New Zealand | Mattern, Joanne, | 0756901065 |
2086 | Crazy Day With Cobras, A | Osborne, Mary Pope | 9780307746603 |
2087 | Crazy Day With Cobras, A | Osborne, Mary Pope | 9780307746603 |
2088 | Crazy Hair Day | Saltzberg, Barney. | 9780763624644 |
2089 | Creek, The, Farmers of the Southeast | Boraas, Tracey | |
2090 | Creep from the deep | Stine, R. L. | 9780439918701 |
2091 | Creeping land snails | White, Nancy, | 9781597167536 (library binding) : |
2092 | Creepy carrots! | Reynolds, Aaron, | 9781442402973 |
2093 | Creepy castles | Parvis, Sarah E. | 9781597165761 (library binding) : |
2094 | Cricket and the crackerbox kid | Ferguson, Alane. | 0380713411 |
2095 | The cricket in Times Square | Selden, George, | 0440415632 |
2096 | The cricket in Times Square | Selden, George, | 0440415632 |
2097 | Crickets | Coughlan, Cheryl. | 0736802371 |
2098 | Crickwing | Cannon, Janell, | 9780152050610 |
2099 | Crinkleroot's guide to knowing animal habitats | Arnosky, Jim. | 0689805837 : |
2100 | Crinkleroot's guide to knowing butterflies & moths | Arnosky, Jim. | 068980587X (alk. paper) |
2101 | Crinkleroot's guide to walking in wild places | Arnosky, Jim. | 0027058425 |
2102 | The crippled lamb | Lucado, Max. | 9781400318070 |
2103 | Crispin : at the edge of the world | Avi, | 078685152X (reinforced) : |
2104 | Crispin : Cross of Lead | Avi | 0-439-57468-4 |
2105 | Crispin : the end of time | Avi, | 0061740802 |
2106 | Crispus Attucks : Black leader of colonial patriots | Millender, Dharathula H. | 0020418108 |
2107 | The crisscross crime | Dixon, Franklin W. | 0671007432 |
2108 | The crisscross shadow | Dixon, Franklin W. | 0448089327 |
2109 | The crooked apple tree | Houghton, Eric. | 1902283597 |
2110 | A crooked kind of perfect | Urban, Linda. | 0152060073 (hardcover) : 9780152060077 (hardcover) : |
2111 | Crossing the Colorado Rockies, 1864 | Lawlor, Laurie. | 0671015540 |
2112 | Crow & fox and other animal legends | Thornhill, Jan. | 0671874284 |
2113 | Crow Boy | Yashima, Taro, | 014050172X 0329060872 |
2114 | Crow call | Lowry, Lois. | 9780545030359 : |
2115 | Crows | Lunis, Natalie. | 1597161608 (library binding) : |
2116 | The crystal caverns | Charman, Katrina, | 9781338122510 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9781338122527 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
2117 | The cuckoo child | King-Smith, Dick. | 1562823507 1562823515 (lib. bdg.) |
2118 | The cuckoo child | King-Smith, Dick. | 1562823507 1562823515 (lib. bdg.) |
2119 | Cucumber quest. | Gigi D. G. | 9781626728332 |
2120 | Cucumber quest. | Gigi D. G. | 9781626728349 |
2121 | Cucumber quest. | Gigi D. G. | 9781626728356 |
2122 | Cuddles | Miles, Ellen. | 9781338303001 |
2123 | The Cupid Chronicles | Paratore, Coleen Murtagh | |
2124 | Curious George | Rey, H. A. | 9780395150238 : |
2125 | Curious George | Rey, H. A. | 9780395150238 : |
2126 | Curious George and the pizza | Rey, Margret | 0395390397 |
2127 | Curious George goes camping | 9780395978351 : | |
2128 | Curious George goes to school | 0395519446 | |
2129 | Curious George Goes to School | Rey, Margret | |
2130 | Curious George goes to the beach | 9780395978382 : | |
2131 | Curious George in the big city | 9780618152407 : | |
2132 | The curse of Ravenscourt : a Samantha mystery | Buckey, Sarah Masters. | 1584859873 (pbk.) : 1584859954 |
2133 | The curse of Snake Island | James, Brian, | 0448445743 |
2134 | The curse of the Acropolis, Athens, Greece | Marsh, Carole. | 0635064723 : |
2135 | The curse of the ancient mask and other case files | Cheshire, Simon. | 9781596434745 (hardcover) : |
2136 | Curse of the ancients | de la Pea, Matt. | 0545484588 |
2137 | Curse of the ancients | de la Pea, Matt. | 0545484588 |
2138 | Curse of the Cheese Pyramid | Stilton, Geronimo | |
2139 | Curse of the red scorpion | Nickel, Scott. | 9781598890341 |
2140 | Cursed | Coville, Bruce. | 9780385392501 |
2141 | The custodian from the black lagoon | Thaler, Mike, | 9780439188746 : |
2142 | The custodian from the black lagoon | Thaler, Mike, | 9780439188746 : |
2143 | Cutlass in the snow | Shub, Elizabeth. | 0688059279 0688059287 (lib. bdg.) |
2144 | Cyber-thief showdown | Stilton, Geronimo. | 9781338215199 |
2145 | The Cybil war | Byars, Betsy Cromer. | 0140343563 : 0329060937 |
2146 | Cycling : Lance Armstrong's impossible ride | Sandler, Michael. | 1597161675 (library binding) : |
2147 | Cycling champion | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434232908 |
2148 | D.W. all wet | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316110778 (trade) 0316110779 (trade) 9780316112680 (pbk.) 0316112682 (pbk.) |
2149 | D.W. all wet | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 9780316110778 (trade) 0316110779 (trade) 9780316112680 (pbk.) 0316112682 (pbk.) |
2150 | D.W. flips | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316112399 : |
2151 | D.W. flips! | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316112690 |
2152 | D.W. thinks big | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316113050 |
2153 | D.W.'s perfect present | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316733865 |
2154 | D.W., go to your room! | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316106704 |
2155 | D.W., the picky eater | Brown, Marc Tolon. | 0316110485 |
2156 | Dad's dinosaur day | Hearn, Diane Dawson. | 0027434850 |
2157 | Dad's dinosaur day | Hearn, Diane Dawson. | 0027434850 |
2158 | Daddy longlegs spiders | Wheeler, Jill C., | 1596792930 (lib. bdg.) : |
2159 | Daily life in ancient and modern Athens | Kotapish, Dawn. | 0822532166 |
2160 | Daily life in ancient and modern Baghdad | Kotapish, Dawn. | 0822532190 |
2161 | Daily life in ancient and modern Beijing | Baldwin, Robert F. | 082253214X |
2162 | Daily life in ancient and modern Cairo | Barghusen, Joan D., | 0822532212 |
2163 | Daily life in ancient and modern Jerusalem | Slavik, Diane. | 0822532182 |
2164 | Daily life in ancient and modern London | Toht, Betony, | 0822532239 |
2165 | Daily life in ancient and modern Paris | Hoban, Sarah. | 0822532220 |
2166 | Daily life in ancient and modern Rome | Barghusen, Joan D., | 0822532131 |
2167 | Daily life in ancient and modern Timbuktu | Brook, Larry. | 0822532158 |
2168 | Daisy | Miles, Ellen, | 9780545726450 054572645X |
2169 | Daisy Comes Home | Brett, Jan | |
2170 | Daisy comes home | Brett, Jan, | 9780142402702 : |
2171 | Daisy Dare | Jeram, Anita. | 1564026450 : |
2172 | Daisy Dawson and the big freeze | Voake, Steve. | 9781614792734 |
2173 | Daisy Dawson and the secret pond | Voake, Steve. | 9780763647308 |
2174 | Daisy Dawson at the beach | Voake, Steve. | 9780763659462 |
2175 | Daisy Dawson is on her way! | Voake, Steve. | 9780763642945 |
2176 | Daisy Dawson on the farm | Voake, Steve. | 9780763663407 |
2177 | Daisy-head Mayzie | Seuss, | 0679867120 |
2178 | Dalmatians | Kallen, Stuart A., | 156239455X |
2179 | Dan and Dan | Leonard, Marcia. | 0761320032 (lib.) 0761320288 (pbk.) |
2180 | Dan the ant | Gillis, Jennifer Blizin, | 0764132822 |
2181 | Dance at Grandpa's | Wilder, Laura Ingalls, | 0064433722 (pbk.) 006023878X 0060238798 (lib. bdg.) : |
2182 | Dance team dilemma | Maddox, Jake. | 9781434240149 |
2183 | Dance team drama | Maddox, Jake. | 9781496536747 |
2184 | DANCERS : THE PREFORMERS | Laura Conlon | |
2185 | Dancing Drum A Cherokee Legend | Cohlene, Janet | |
2186 | Dancing in the wings | Allen, Debbie, | 0803725019 |
2187 | Dancing Through Fire | Lasky, Kathryn | |
2188 | Dandelion | Freeman, Don. | 0140502181 (pbk) |
2189 | Dandelion Danny | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440510 |
2190 | A dandelion wish | Thorpe, Kiki. | 0736427961 |
2191 | Dandelions | Bunting, Eve, | 015200050X : |
2192 | The danger | Korman, Gordon. | 0439507243 |
2193 | Danger at the zoo : a Kit mystery | Ernst, Kathleen. | 158485989X (pbk.) : 1584859970 |
2194 | Danger down the Nile | Patterson, James, | 9780316370868 |
2195 | Danger on Panther Peak | Wallace, Bill, | 9781416941101 |
2196 | Danger on the mountain : scaling the world's highest peaks | Donkin, Andrew. | 0789473860 : 0789473852 (pbk.) |
2197 | Danger on Vampire Trail | Dixon, Franklin W. | 0448089505 |
2198 | A dangerous path | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062367006 |
2199 | The dangerous transmission | Dixon, Franklin W. | 0689863780 |
2200 | Daniel Boone | Petrie, Kristin, | 1591975921 : |
2201 | Daniel O'Rourke : an Irish tale | McDermott, Gerald. | 014050673X (pbk.) |
2202 | Daniel's dog | Bogart, Jo Ellen. | 0590434012 |
2203 | Daniel's duck | Bulla, Clyde Robert. | 0060209089 : 0060209097 (lib. bdg.) : |
2204 | Daniel's good day | Archer, Micha. | 9780399546723 |
2205 | Daniel's pet | Ada, Alma Flor. | 0152048650 |
2206 | Danitra Brown, class clown | Grimes, Nikki. | 0688172903 |
2207 | Danny and Abby are friends | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440022 |
2208 | Danny and Abby play hospital | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440332 |
2209 | Danny and Abby play tag | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440219 |
2210 | Danny and Bee play together | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440464 |
2211 | Danny and Bee's book of opposites | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440251 |
2212 | Danny and dad go shopping | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440170 |
2213 | Danny and dad read | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440383 |
2214 | Danny and the bully | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440111 |
2215 | Danny and the corn maze | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440375 |
2216 | Danny and the Dinosaur | Hoff, Syd | |
2217 | Danny and the dinosaur | Hoff, Syd, | 9780064440028 : |
2218 | Danny and the four seasons | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440014 |
2219 | Danny and the little bunny | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440456 |
2220 | Danny and the little worm | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440235 |
2221 | Danny and the monarch butterfly | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440758 |
2222 | Danny and the runaway train | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440472 |
2223 | Danny at the car wash | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440359 |
2224 | Danny can sort | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440162 |
2225 | Danny gets fit | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440049 |
2226 | Danny goes for a walk | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440324 |
2227 | Danny is a big dog | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440553 |
2228 | Danny likes red | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440154 |
2229 | Danny likes to help | Coulton, Mia. | 162544026X |
2230 | Danny looks for Abby | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440081 |
2231 | Danny makes a mask | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440499 |
2232 | Danny paints a picture | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440227 |
2233 | Danny the champion of the world | Dahl, Roald. | 0375814256 |
2234 | Danny the dinosaur | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440480 |
2235 | Danny's bee : (the beginning) | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440308 |
2236 | Danny's big adventure | Coulton, Mia. | 162544060X |
2237 | Danny's birthday wishes | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440391 |
2238 | Danny's castle | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440278 |
2239 | Danny's dinner | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440057 |
2240 | Danny's favorite shapes | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440200 |
2241 | Danny's five little pumpkins | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440421 |
2242 | Danny's five senses | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440065 |
2243 | Danny's game of sink or float | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440502 |
2244 | Danny's Groundhog Day | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440103 |
2245 | Danny's hair is everywhere | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440367 |
2246 | Danny's hats | Coulton, Mia. | 162544043X |
2247 | Danny's new toy | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440073 |
2248 | Danny's picture day | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440588 |
2249 | Danny's rocket | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440413 |
2250 | Danny's shadow | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440561 |
2251 | Danny's special tree | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440766 |
2252 | Danny's timeline | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440197 |
2253 | Danny's toy basket | Coulton, Mia. | 162544057X |
2254 | Danny's window | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440243 |
2255 | Danny, Bee and the skunk | Coulton, Mia. | 1625440529 |
2256 | Darcy and Gran don't like babies | Cutler, Jane. | 0590445871 |
2258 | The dark | Munsch, Robert. | 1550374516 : 1550374508 (pbk.) |
2259 | The dark | Munsch, Robert. | 1550374516 : 1550374508 (pbk.) |
2260 | Dark Day in the Deep Sea | Osborne, Mary Pope | 9780375837319 |
2261 | Dark emperor & other poems of the night | Sidman, Joyce. | 9780547152288 |
2262 | Dark Hills Divide, The | Carman, Patrick | |
2263 | The dark prophecy | Riordan, Rick. | 9781484780640 |
2264 | Dark river | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062367099 |
2265 | The dark secret | Sutherland, Tui, | 9780545349260 |
2266 | Darkest hour | Brooke, Lauren. | 0439425085 |
2267 | The darkest hour | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062367013 |
2268 | Darkness falls | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062102652 |
2269 | Darkness of dragons | Sutherland, Tui, | 9780545685481 |
2270 | Dateline : Troy | Fleischman, Paul. | 9780763630836 0763630837 |
2272 | David and God's giant victory | 0310718791 | |
2273 | David and the giant | Little, Emily. | 0394888677 |
2274 | David and the giant | Little, Emily. | 0394888677 |
2275 | David Copperfield | Dickens, Charles, | 9780679405719 : |
2276 | David Copperfield : adapted for young readers | Dickens, Charles, | 1577656857 (lib. bdg.) : |
2277 | David goes to school | Shannon, David, | 9780590480871 |
2278 | David's Father | Munsch | |
2279 | Davy Crockett | Roberts, Russell, | 1584154764 |
2280 | Davy Crockett : a life on the frontier | Krensky, Stephen. | 0689859457 (lib.) 0689859449 (pbk.) : |
2281 | Davy Crockett : young rifleman | Parks, Aileen Wells. | 002041840X |
2282 | Davy Crockett gets hitched | Miller, Bobbi. | 0823418375 |
2283 | Dawdle Duckling | Buzzeo, Toni | |
2284 | Dawn | Hunter, Erin. | 9780062367044 |
2285 | Dawn and the Big Sleepover | Martin, Ann M. | 0590435736 |
2286 | Dawn on the coast | Martin, Ann M., | 0590673912 0590420070 |
2287 | Dawn's big date | Martin, Ann M., | 0590449699 (pbk.) : |
2288 | Day and night | Storad, Conrad J. | 161535896X |
2289 | A day at camp | Mayer, Mercer, | 1577688368 |
2290 | The day I had to play with my sister | Bonsall, Crosby Newell. | 0064442535 |
2291 | A day in the life of a Builder | Hayward, Linda. | 078947364X 0789473631 (pbk.) : |
2292 | A day in the life of a firefighter | Hayward, Linda. | 0789473666 0789473658 (pbk.) : |
2293 | Day in the Life of a Firefighter, A | Adamson, Heather | |
2294 | A day in the life of a musician | Hayward, Linda. | 0789479524 0789479532 (pbk.) |
2295 | A day in the life of a police officer | Hayward, Linda. | 0789479540 0789479559 (pbk.) |
2296 | A day in the life of a teacher | Hayward, Linda. | 0789473682 0789473674 (pbk.) : |
2297 | The day it rained hearts | Bond, Felicia. | 9780060731236 |
2298 | The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash | Noble, Trinka Hakes. | |
2299 | The day of Ahmed's secret | Heide, Florence Parry. | 0688088953 |
2300 | The day of Ahmed's secret | Heide, Florence Parry. | 0688088953 |
2301 | Day of the Dragon King | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679990518 |
2302 | Day of the Dragon King | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679990518 |
2303 | Day of the Dragon King | Osborne, Mary Pope. | 0679990518 |
2304 | The day the crayons quit | Daywalt, Drew. | 9780399255373 |
2305 | Day the Crayons Quit, The | Daywalt, Drew | |
2306 | The day we met you | Koehler, Phoebe. | 002750901X : |
2307 | A day with an airplane pilot | Bennett, Leonie. | 1597161470 (library binding) : |
2308 | A day with animal doctors | Bennett, Leonie. | 1597161489 (library binding) : |
2309 | The day you begin | Woodson, Jacqueline. | 9780399246531 |
2310 | A day's work | Bunting, Eve, | 0395673216 : |
2311 | Daydream receiver | Terrell, Brandon, | 9781496537027 |
2312 | Days of the blackbird : a tale of northern Italy | De Paola, Tomie. | 0399229299 |
2313 | Days to celebrate : a full year of poetry, people, holidays, history, fascinating facts, and more | Hopkins, Lee Bennett. | 0060007664 (lib.) : 0060007656 |
2314 | Days with Frog and Toad | Lobel, Arnold. | 9780060239640 |
2315 | Dazzle's new friend | Moss, Olivia. | 0545054605 |
2316 | DC Super Friends : brain freeze! | Bright, J. E. | 0375862218 |
2317 | Dd | Doudna, Kelly, | 1577653971 |
2318 | Dead end | Jenkins, Jerry B. | 1414301545 |